Maestría en Educación


Recent Submissions

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    Formación en educación económica, administrativa y financiera con el propósito de orientar decisiones de endeudamiento: propuesta de un ambiente virtual de aprendizaje para jóvenes sin formación financiera.
    (Universidad Antonio Nariño) Chaparro Chaparro, Luis Hernando; Merchan Merchan, Martha Andrea
    There is a growing problem related to the levels of debt that have experienced by the citizens of our country in recent years, going from 60 billion pesos in 2002 to 403 billion pesos in 2017; That is, an increase of one 572% in a period of 15 years. Figures that reflect the behavior of decisions that the adults of these generations have taken and that indirectly show their conceptions regarding the way in which they resolve the different situations that arise. present in an economy
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    La relación entre el ambiente escolar y el ciberacoso. Un estudio narrativo en una institución educativa del municipio de Soacha
    (Universidad Antonio Nariño) Patiño Reyes, Zenayda; Bedoya Ríos, Nohemy Marcela
    The narrative research carried out in an educational institution in the municipality of Soacha sought to understand how the school environment influences the cases of cyberbullying suffered by high school students. The research was divided into two phases: in the first, two surveys on the school environment and the use of social networks were applied to 216 tenth and eleventh grade students; In the second, 15 participants, including a teacher, were selected to narrate their experiences of cyberbullying.
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    Percepciones del profesorado sobre el Plan Territorial de Formación Docente de Cundinamarca del Decreto 1278 de 2002
    (Universidad Antonio Nariño) Càdernas Camargo, Diana Carolina; Merchán Merchán, Martha Andrea
    The objective of this study is to describe the perceptions of teachers of decree 1278 in some municipalities of Cundinamarca, regarding the Territorial Teacher Training Plan (PTFD) between 2012 and 2023 and thus learn about the reality of this educational policy. The research is qualitative and exploratory in scope, in which 64 teachers from the municipalities of Fómeque, Gachetá, La Vega, Madrid, Guasca, Sesquilé, Nocaima, Sibaté, Tenjo and Tocancipá answered a Likert-type survey, based on the document "Construyendo el Plan Territorial de Formación Docente: Guía de Elaboración" published by the Ministry of National Education in 2011. Among the main findings are the low participation of the PTFD, the lack of knowledge per se of the plan, as well as the context of the institution and the municipality, among other socio-demographic aspects that should be reviewed for the formulation, implementation and evaluation of the educational policy
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    La emisora escolar: estrategia didáctica para desarrollar competencias comunicativas de lectura y escritura en estudiantes de básica primaria
    (Universidad Antonio Nariño) Nieto Duarte, Helman Yesid; Briceño Martínez, John Jairo
    The present investigation, developed in the Master's Degree in Education of the University Antonio Nariño, in Bogotá (Col.) sought to develop a strategy that mediated the development of the communicative competences of reading and writing in the students of the Female Lyceum Mercedes Nariño IED, official institution of the city.
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    Evaluación del desarrollo motor en niños de 6 y 7 años en dos instituciones educativas de la localidad de Usme. formulación de una propuesta formativa para el trabajo psicomotriz
    (Universidad Antonio Nariño) Galindo Romero, Viviana; Briceño Martínez, John Jairo
    The purpose of the research was to make an initial diagnosis of the performance motor of children 6 and 7 years of age in two educational institutions: I.E.D Santa Librada and Isidro Molina School, located in the town of Usme, Bogotá, Colombia; through the Ozerestski Test (1986), from the analysis of the results, it was designed a training proposal, which mounts a blog called Wix, aimed at teachers and administrative staff of the institutions with which we worked, in order to make the proposal and the elements presented therein reach the reader in a pleasant way, it is based on played activities that support psychomotor development in children.
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    Aprendiendo a danzar: el caso del colectivo coreográfico los danzantes del cerrillo
    (Universidad Antonio Nariño) Jiménez Gutiérrez, Martha Lucía; Camargo Cárdenas, David Orlando
    The fundamental reason of this work is to investigate the forms of transmission of the Knowledge as persistence of tradition in the popular festival. In this case, the studied tradition are the dance forms associated with traditional music within of the Black and White Carnival of Pasto, one of the most emblematic popular festivals of Colombia and – more concretely – the case of the staging that he did of them the Choreographic Collective Los Danzantes del Cerrillo for the 2018 event. The object of study was observed seeking to find the traits that can be assumed as tradition and that still remain in the party within the particular categories of aesthetics dance and its logical connection with music, but focusing in particular on the how these characteristic features remain and are transmitted today from a past that validates them as part of these manifestations
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    Propuesta Curricular A Partir De Consenso Con Expertos, En Investigación Y Educación Ambiental Dirigida al Grupo De Vigías del Colegio Débora Arango Pérez, Localidad de Bosa (Bogotá, Colombia)
    (Universidad Antonio Nariño) Arévalo Arévalo, Luz Elena; Mora Cubillos, Lyda Ximena
    This research work was developed within the educational community of the Débora Arango Pérez School, in the city of Bogotá, town of Bosa and proposes a program training with the group of students belonging to the School Environmental Committee (CAE) or environmental watchmen, which seeks to strengthen fundamental missionary aspects of the Project School Environment (PRAE): research and training. The work is based on the construction interdisciplinary approach to a curriculum that relates teaching to research and Education Environmental, in addition to a first phase of implementation in which the response is assessed students' preliminary to the proposed curriculum.
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    Percepción del ambiente educacional de los estudiantes de pregrado de la Facultad de Enfermería de la Universidad Antonio Nariño, de la ciudad de Bogotá.
    (Universidad Antonio Nariño) Rodríguez Garzón, Alba Josefina; Perea Rodríguez, Ricardo Leonardo
    History reveals how the human being has been transformed and, at the same time, has been changing his own reality through education, allowing students to locate themselves in the society they live, from a deep and legitimate vision of the characteristics of their environment (Zúñiga, Díaz, Barboza, and Klimenco, 2014).
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    Estrategia didáctica de mobile learning para la enseñanza en la asignatura devenir y movimiento
    (Universidad Antonio Nariño) Salgado, José Orlando; Vizcaino, Diego
    The theme of study of this project is part of university education, and deals with of the thematic relationship of the body in movement, included in the subject Becoming and Movement, subject taught in the fourth semester of the Plastic and Visual Arts career. This relationship is established as a form of representation, from the Paleolithic, drawing a line of very extensive time, going through various periods and coming to present various artistic manifestations, included in current art; It is notorious that in some of these At times art and artists are not interested in this relationship, or it does not appear so explicit, and what that is found as a theme is the counterpart, that is to say frozen body and movement.
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    La argumentación científica como estrategia de enseñanza de la asignatura de toxicología del programa de Administración de Seguridad y Salud en el Trabajo de la Universidad Militar Nueva Granada
    (Universidad Antonio Nariño) Bolívar Molano, Olga Consuelo; Briceño Martínez, John Jairo
    An argumentation teaching strategy was designed to strengthen participation argumentation of the higher education students of the New Military University Grenada (Bogota Colombia). The interest was to reflect on the progress of the argumentation science in the students of the subject of Toxicology when observing the levels of critical and participatory argumentation in an academic environment (classroom). to carry After the quantitative and qualitative analysis, a statistical program was used, creating some categories to classify the information that, to a large extent, was taken from the transcription of the audios of the three sessions in which the strategy was applied. The program allowed calculating the frequency of the argumentative participation of the students and the promotion of the strategy by the teacher.
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    Propuesta de una secuencia didáctica a partir del diseño y uso de una cartilla en proporción áurea para la enseñanza de la composición
    (Universidad Antonio Nariño) Torres Puentes, Heiler Bladimir; Vizcaíno, Diego Fabián
    The objective of this study is: Achieve that students improve their fundamentals in composition through the design and application of a didactic sequence in Golden Ratio. It is based on the research question: How to achieve better knowledge in the composition of twodimensional situations from the use of the golden ratio?
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    La política de jornada única escolar: los referentes y la experiencia de una institución educativa de distrital
    (Universidad Antonio Nariño) Bocanegra Acosta, Henry; Huerta Bustos, Adriana Patricia
    Article product of study on the public educational policy of a single day at the preschool, basic and middle levels. The objective of this research was to assess the guidelines of the aforementioned public policy and its main legal and regulatory developments, as well as to evaluate the experience of a district educational institution regarding these issues, through the application of an instrument constructed and validated by criteria of experts. The research problem is concretized in some problematizing questions: From what political, discursive and juridical reference has been tried to implement the educational policy of a single school day in Colombia and what tensions could be generated in that process? And how is the process of implementing the single school day perceived by the basic levels of an official educational institution at the preschool, elementary and middle school levels? It is a work that was developed from two methodological perspectives, a first part of documentary historical character and a second one of quantitative order that arises from the statistical analysis product of the application of a survey with 45 Likert scale items. From there it was possible to conclude that despite the legal developments the single day as a pedagogical action has generated tensions that have involved teachers especially, who question the procedures and implementation conditions and offer alternatives that allow their development in terms of dignity and relevance for the educational communities.
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    Sexualidad y anticoncepción en estudiantes de la Facultad de Educación de la Universidad Antonio Nariño
    (Universidad Antonio Nariño) Vela Fonseca, Claudia Marcela; Perea Rodríguez, Ricardo Leonardo
    Sexuality represents its own style with which each human being transmits messages; It manifests itself in different ways in its various expressions and favors intimacy so that sex acquires meaning. It is a unique art, own and unique to each person.
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    Concepciones de la Comunidad del Colegio Claretiano de Bosa sobre Convivencia Escolar
    (Universidad Antonio Nariño) Ojeda Leal, Blanca Lucila; Briceño Martínez, John Jairo
    This research is carried out in order to make an analysis of the conceptions of teachers and parents, about school coexistence under the framework of law 1620 of the year 2103 in the Claretian College of Bosa, taking into account the particularities that include said problem. The study is based on the characterization of the conceptions of the teachers and parents of the school, with the purpose of making a more detailed study of what they know about the topic of school coexistence and how it is handled from each instance (teacher and father of family), as part of the formation of the academic processes and in this case from the process of coexistence in the students.
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    Construyendo una carroza carnavalesca: transmisión de saberes tradicionales en el proceso de elaboración de carrozas en el carnaval de negros y blancos de pasto, Nariño, Colombia
    (Universidad Antonio Nariño) Nieves Gil, Luis Eduardo; Camargo Cárdenas, David Orlando
    “Burlesque”, “Blanco Carnaval”, “Mil Colores”, “Soberbia”, “Survivir”, “Principio y Fin”, “Despojos”, “King de Carnavales”, “Qué raraca reyes”, “Spirit of the jungle” , "Nature is my house", "The Carnival King", "Extinction, crying of the earth", "The bad hour", "Yucuruna and the four elements", "Dream", "The Golden Jaguar", "Abya Yala” and “El Colorado”. Names of the nineteen motorized floats that on January 6, 2018 were present through the main streets of Pasto, capital of the department of Nariño. They express the memory and identity of the Pasto people.
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    Estrategia de enseñanza apoyada en tic para el desarrollo de habilidades metacognitivas en el área de la morfofisiología
    (Universidad Antonio Nariño) Farías Ramos, Miguel Ángel; Perea Rodríguez, Ricardo Leonardo
    In the academic context it is usual to see students and teachers make use of the Internet in the teaching and learning processes; not only because of the ease of access to the network, but also because this access favors communication between people from different places when some of them cannot be present in person, not to mention the amount and diversity of information available, which increases exponentially more and more use. Some studies maintain that the student population prefers to search for information through the web to carry out their academic work, queries that can amount to 94% (Purcell, et al., 2012; Arango, Bringué, & Sádaba, 2010).
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    Confiabilidad interna del inventario de habilidades Metacognitivas –Mai en estudiantes universitarios colombianos
    (Universidad Antonio Nariño) Cubillos Garzón, Yenni Rocio; Patricia Huertas, Adriana
    This work sought to validate the MAI instrument (metacognitive skills inventory), which identifies the metacognitive skills of subjects, in a university-trained population in Colombia. It was applied to 250 university students, from 7 different universities and taking into account variables such as: gender, area of ​​knowledge and academic semester. In this research, of a quantitative type, a collection of information is made from a descriptive framework. The information was manually tabulated and then analyzed with the help of the Statistical Package for the Social Science (SPSS) 20.0 program. The results were analyzed by means of Cronbach's Alpha coefficient, which for the instrument was 0.98 in general and for the eight categories ranged between 0.75 and 0.96.
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    Percepción de los jóvenes acerca de sus expectativas a futuro en cuatro instituciones educativas del municipio de Soacha (Cundinamarca, Colombia). experiencia del liceo Gregorio Mendel como institución educativa piloto en la modalidad de educación personalizada para trabajo de proyecto de vida en básica y media
    (Universidad Antonio Nariño) Badillo Badillo, Liliana Ivonne; Mora Cubillos, Lyda Ximena
    The present work collects the investigative exercise from a quantitative-descriptive approach about the analysis of the perception of the humanist area with emphasis on project of life of four educational institutions in the municipality of Soacha (Cundinamarca, Colombia)
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    Prácticas De Enseñanza Y Aprendizaje Tradicional Del Tiple Colombiano En Tres Maestros Artistas Del Territorio Sonoro De La Canta y El Torbellino.
    (Universidad Antonio Nariño) Rodríguez Ramírez, Edwin Johanni; Nieves, Angélica
    This research shows the particularities of the teaching and learning processes of the tiple (Colombian national instrument) in three master artists from the sound territory of canta y el torbellino (TSCT) located in the departments of Boyacá and Cundinamarca, a geographical space where investigation takes place. The proper description of the findings is made based on the assumption that the transmission of traditional knowledge presents significant and particular differences, which differ according to the socio-cultural context, making, in turn, a recognition of a work that keeps the knowledge current. and the memory of a region, under the concept of cultural identity.
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    Estrategias de acompañamiento desde las habilidades blandas a padres de familia de los niños de inclusión de grado primero del Colegio Distrital Carlos Pizarro Leongómez, localidad séptima de Bogotá, D.C.
    (Universidad Antonio Nariño) Pineda Forero, Ana; Valero Suárez, Sandra Hasbleydi
    In Colombia, the responsibility for the educational process falls on the State, society and the family. Hence the concept of co-responsibility that is exposed from the jurisprudence. For this reason, in the most recent decade efforts have been joined so that, without any kind of distinction, all Colombians have access and permanence in the educational system. This is how the educational inclusion process is changing the ways of seeing and living the school: it has given way to the elimination of barriers in the teaching-learning process and a new way of living has been proposed. In practice, it has been shown that family accompaniment in the academic process is of vital importance, even more so, when the student has a disability.