Licenciatura en educación básica con énfasis en tecnología e informática


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    La Tecnología como Estrategia Didáctica en el Fortalecimiento de los Procesos Lecto Escriturales en los Estudiantes de Tercero De Primaria del Colegio Alegría Del Niño del Distrito Riohacha
    (Universidad Antonio Nariño) Barcinilla Martínez, Treicy Dayana; Hidalgo Ramirez, Alba Luz
    Taking into account what was affirmed by the Ministry of Higher Education (MEN), where it ratifies that through technologies, significant learning can be developed and promote the different teaching processes. In this sense, the present monographic work, Technology as a Didactic Strategy in the Strengthening of Literacy Processes, aimed at students in the third grade of elementary school of the Alegría del Niño School, which proposes a perceptual methodology, which from the observation, allowed me to know some difficulties in the reading processes- and writing, also carry out a diagnosis, of what use they were giving to the tools technologies in the development of reading and writing skills in the process. The development of this research occurred during the planning and execution of three practices teachers, which were directed to implement a strategy that would contribute to improve reading and writing processes, in order to train competent students with a critical level and thoughtful. Furthermore, considering that reading and writing skills influence their development and in all areas of knowledge. It should be noted that technology as a didactic strategy marks an important place in this time for the different changes that education has brought. Which makes it possible to demonstrate importance in the academic processes of the students. Initially, the realities of the educational context of the institution were identified through the observation of the different difficulties that students have in the development of habits literacy. Then, determine the strategy that would serve as support in the 13 strengthening of these processes. Adding to this the universal situation that the world experienced with the COVID-19 pandemic; has been one of the additional factors to the problem already raised, the quarantine measures and other restrictions that have characterized these times of pandemic have necessarily included the implementation of some changes in the dynamics of the daily learning. As a teacher in training, she managed to develop at the Alegría del Niño school; the three teaching practices programmed by the university, which allowed evidence from the observation, the different academic activities carried out by the children; they were missing one didactic component that will help them make their process and learning more effective through motivating teaching strategies. What leads to students feeling motivated to achieve significant learning, especially in relation to reading and writing, essential factors in academic progress and in the results achieved, both in internal and external tests that measure the quality of the institution's education. Thus, during the teaching practices, it was possible to show that the tools technological, are proposed as an alternative to help the teacher in his classes since It allows to represent and apply a number of materials for all areas of knowledge. Similarly, to develop different skills in students, since it is very importance of reading and writing, in all the activities they carry out, so that they are competent with analytical thinking, allowing you to successfully finish the school year, as well as It is the responsibility of the counselor to be at the forefront to implement strategies in the teaching – learning. It is worth mentioning that the teaching practices were developed following the model Constructivist pedagogical approach adopted by the school. Which, served as support to nurture the present 14 monographic work and that when working with the proposed technological tools, served as a didactic component. Obtaining satisfactory results without neglecting the area plans that have been implemented in the school.
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    Desarrollo de competencias tecnológicas en los estudiantes del curso 601 del Colegio La Amistad I.E.D. a través de la herramienta Paint para apoyar procesos de aprendizaje en las diferentes áreas del conocimiento.
    (Universidad Antonio Nariño) Díaz Rosado, Jesús Andrés; Rodríguez Mendoza, Irma Cecilia
    The purpose of this research was to develop technological competencies in students of the 601 course of school La Amistad I .E.D through the tool to support learning processes in different areas of knowledge, but the objective was to determine the effect and use of pae El program in the development of competencies this month the research was carried out in a qualitative approach type applied experimental design whose methods were the population of students. This evaluative technique was used as a scale measurement instrument in which the students' learning is learned, since with it they develop and work in different complex situations, identifying, solving problems and strategically using their thinking and reasoning skills. knowledge in context to establish flexibility and management and communication on the use of technological tools in the different areas of knowledge since it provides us with new innovative strategies to improve learning in different áreas.
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    Estrategias didácticas que contribuyan al desarrollo de las competencias tecnológicas de los cursos 1º, 2º, 3º, 4º y 5º del Colegio Arrulladito de San Juan del Cesar La Guajira.
    (Universidad Antonio Nariño) Gómez Cabana, Yakelin Paola; Rodríguez Mendoza, Irma Cecilia
    The present work focuses on an investigation developed in grades primary basic of the Arrulladitos School, in San Juan del Cesár, department of La Guajira, where didactic strategies are proposed that will allow the improvement of skills and technological capacities of the children of these courses, based on clear objectives to be developed, which are supported by the application of appropriate strategies to the children's learning process, the characterization of technological tools necessary for the development of said strategies and the proposal of a monitoring plan that continues the methodology used by the practitioner, this being a qualitative research that ends up showing in its results that the proposed strategies effectively comply with what is proposed, and bring with them a group of students with developed and strengthened skills through this methodology applied by the counselor.
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    Juegos ancestrales en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje. caso: institución etnoeducativa san Rafael del pájaro sede Amaichon
    (Universidad Antonio Nariño) Florez Duarte, Roselis; Medina Marín, Mayerly
    This research aimed to evaluate the effectiveness of the implementation of the ancestral games of the Wayuu culture as a constructivist didactic strategy, in the San Rafael del Pájaro Ethnoeducational Institution, Amaichon headquarters. It is based on the cognitive-constructivist learning theory and a qualitative approach is used with a type of descriptive, ethnographic, participatory action research and field research. As a data collection technique, participatory observation and a questionnaire-type survey were applied which was applied to the 20 students taken as a sample, to their representatives and to the teachers of the educative community. The results show that the use of this ancestral playful strategy reinforces the academic and cultural knowledge of the Wayuu population and has the support of the respondents. Therefore, its inclusion in daily educational practices is recommended, taking as a reference the magazine designed for this purpose.
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    Intervención en niños y niñas de grado 3º para el mejoramiento de las capacidades lecto-escriturales de la Escuela Normal Superior “Juan Ladrilleros” de Buenaventura
    (Universidad Antonio Nariño) Bonilla Zuñiga, Lucy Anabell; Rodríguez Mendoza, Irma Cecilia
    According to what is stated in the results of the four-year period for Knowledge 3 for the Escuela Normal Superior "Juan Ladrilleros" of Buenaventura, it is necessary to improve the reading and writing processes of the students of this grade, through activities that are easy apprehension on the part of boys and girls, and that they expand the aforementioned capacities, for optimal development in higher grades, where these competencies mean better performance
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    El aprendizaje mediado por la tecnología: Una estrategia para fortalecer la autoestima de los estudiantes de los grados 9, 10 y 11 en los entornos de trabajo remoto.
    (Universidad Antonio Nariño) Rodríguez Soto, Juan David; Peña Mendoza, Jorge
    This work is carried out in order to know the perception of students in grades 9, 10 and 11 of two (2) Educational Institutions of the City of Bogotá (one private and the other public), in relation to their self-esteem and learning in mediated environments by technology, to design a strategy that helps reduce the risk factors that affect these two (2) aspects in students
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    Objetos virtuales de aprendizaje como estrategia pedagógica para el mejoramiento de la comprensión lectora en los estudiantes de grado quinto de la institución etnoeducativa internado indígena el edén sede jichipa
    (Universidad Antonio Nariño) Epieyu Uriana, José Efraín; Hidalgo Ramirez, Alba Luz
    The purpose of this research project is to strengthen reading comprehension, a pedagogical proposal is implemented that aims to provide possible solutions to communicative and interpretive weaknesses in the different practice scenarios in the student population.
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    Implementación de una guía alternativa para las clases de informática del grado sexto (6°) en la institución etnoeducativa rural nazaret # 3 de Manaure la Guajira
    (Universidad Antonio Nariño) Mengual Epieyu, Jesús Antonio; Hidalgo Ramirez, Alba Luz
    This work was carried out to try to solve the problem of the logistics of computer classes in rural classrooms, by means of an alternative guide that combines the learning and previous knowledge of the students through interdisciplinarity.
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    Herramientas tic para fortalecer la enseñanza y el aprendizaje remoto en tiempos de cuarentena
    (Universidad Antonio Nariño) Caña Bueno, Edier Arnulfo; García Rodríguez, Paulo José; Rodríguez Rojas, Jimmy Alexander; Hidalgo Ramírez, Alba Luz
    This research monograph addresses as an object of study the remote teaching and learning processes of four educational institutions in the North of Valle del Cauca, for which it starts from the meticulous analysis of their academic realities through techniques and information collection instruments such as the direct observation carried out in these contexts, as well as surveys and formal interviews, which allow establishing the need to strengthen the technological and digital competencies of the teaching staff of these establishments through competent training in TIC tools that strengthen teaching processes and remote learning in times of quarantine. For this, theoretical conceptions are retaken, from the perspective of authors such as Julio Cabero Almenara, Ochoa y Cordero, Thompson and Strickland, among others, who show the importance and relevance that this interventional process brings with it.
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    Estrategia para concientizar la importancia de las practicas medicinales ancestrales wayuu en la comunidad educativa de la Institucion etnoeducativa internado indigena rural cabo de la vela sede lanshalia
    (Universidad Antonio Nariño) Almazo Barliza, Laida patricia; Rodriguez, Angela Isabel
    Through this research work, we have allowed students and the educational community to strengthen ancestral knowledge, which has greatly favored the teaching-learning process of third grade students. with each of the activities assigned by the teacher in the investigative practices.
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    Estrategias pedagógicas a través de la Plataforma Tinkercad para fortalecer las competencias tecnológicas por medio del funcionamiento de los circuitos básicos y diseño en 3D, en la clase de Tecnología e Informática en el grado Cuarto de Básica Primaria del Colegio de la Universidad Antonio Nariño Usme.
    (Universidad Antonio Nariño) Hernandez Muñoz, Andrea Yiseth; Rodríguez Mendoza, Irma Cecilia
    The present work aims to strengthen technological competences through a pedagogical strategy related to the tinkercad platform for the functioning of circuits and 3D design, with significant learning in fourth grade Elementary students.
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    Desarrollo de competencias tecnológicas desde la aplicación, apropiación e interpretación de los instrumentos básicos en la expresión gráfica en los estudiantes de grado decimo 10° del Colegio La Amistad IED.
    (Universidad Antonio Nariño) Herrera Hernandez, Raul Camilo; Rodríguez Mendoza, Irma Cecilia
    research was carried out through pedagogical practices in which the application, appropriation and interpretation of the basic instruments in graphic expression was deepened, so a dense theoretical framework and analysis was carried out in the interpretation of data in order to reach a satisfactory result.
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    Estrategia Didáctica para Abordar Circuitos Eléctricos a través de la Plataforma Tinkercad para Desarrollar las Competencias Tecnológicas en los Estudiantes de Grado 6° del CUAN Usme
    (Universidad Antonio Nariño) Ardila Galindo, Duban Armando; Rodriguez, Irma Cecilia
    Didactic Strategy to Address Electrical Circuits through the Tinkercad Platform to Develop Technological Competencies in 6th Grade Students of CUAN Usme school
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    Propuesta pedagógica para la incorporación de herramientas tecnológicas en procesos de enseñanza-aprendizaje en el colegio IED el hato
    (Universidad Antonio Nariño) Ramos Rodriguez, Zuly Yineth; Medina Marín, Mayerly
    The degree work called pedagogical proposal for the incorporation of technological tools in teaching-learning processes in the IED el Hato school was carried out in order to demonstrate the management of the different TIC tools in the educational field, showing different deficits during the process which were complemented as each training and intervention carried out in the Institution, thus allowing to solve the detected problem, thus designing a guide and complementary booklet in the use and management of the different ICT tools for educational use
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    Estrategia didáctica para desarrollo de competencias en Excel, para el cálculo de áreas y perímetros de figuras geométricas, en los estudiantes de grado 7 del colegio Universidad Antonio Nariño
    (Universidad Antonio Nariño) Peñuela Cifuentes, Mario Andrés; Garcia, Vivian
    This quantitative research work consisted of the development and application of a didactic strategy to strengthen skills in technology in the Excel program, through the calculation of areas and perimeters in geometric figures in students 7th grade the College at the Antonio Nariño University, a diagnosis was made, the students with the instrument "Diagnostic test on the level of apprehension in Excel" in this it was evidenced that 93% of the students had weaknesses in the skills in the use of Excel; the carrying out a theoretical analysis and an analysis of the social and cultural context of the educational institution, it is proposed to solve this problem by implementing the didactic strategy “PA-Excel,” in different pedagogical interventions to 7th grade students subsequently, the effectiveness of this strategy is evaluated by classifying it into categories using the Likert scale in the instrument "Evaluation of competences” showing that after the strategy 99% of the students managed to develop Excel competences.
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    Enseñanza diferencial de las matemáticas en estudiantes con posibles síntomas de discalculia en edad de 7 – 9 años de la Institución Educativa Eusebio Septimio Mari, del distrito de Riohacha – La Guajira
    (Universidad Antonio Nariño) Brito Medina, Sadel Alberto; Medina Marin, Mayerly
    Differential teaching of mathematics in students with possible symptoms of dyscalculia aged 7 to 9 years at the Eusebio Septimio Mari Educational Institution, is a research that tends to design and implement various strategies (GAMIFICATION) Playful - pedagogical for the decrease symptoms of different types of dyscalculia
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    Diseño e implementación de manual didáctico para disminuir la mala ortografía en el grado 3° del CEIR HABÍA HONDITA Sede Mauripao.
    (Universidad Antonio Nariño) Andrioly Lizcano, Eliana Carolina; Peralta Medina, Mariellis
    The objective of this study is to design, evaluate and apply an orthographic teaching manual for the strengthening of spelling in the 3rd grade students of CEIR Bahía Hondita, Mauripao campus. The present research was classified as a feasible project with a qualitative approach of a descriptive type, structured questionnaires were used from the cognitive, procedural and behavioral aspects to know the main aspects in the use of spelling rules. Through the analysis of the results, it was possible to identify the main causes of problems that the third grade students of spelling present in the 3rd grade students of the CEIR Bahía Hondita, Mauripao campus, by writing short papers using the spelling rules in an appropriate way. It was concluded that the index of the correct use of grammar rules is of very poor quality in the third grade students of CEIR of Bahia Hondita Sede Mauripao, urgently needing to develop and implement new didactic manuals, which have to find the differential ethnic focus of the culture and region, which is one of the main barriers to learning a language that is not their mother tongue. Therefore, a didactic model is proposed that covers the shortcomings present in the current learning models.
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    Fortalecimiento de la identidad cultural en los estudiantes de tercer grado de la institución educativa indígena rural nº1 sede jonjoncito a través de mitos y leyendas.
    (Universidad Antonio Nariño) Jusayu Gonzalez, Robertina Paola; Alver Vergara, Mariellys Peralta
    En esta investigación se busca fortalecer la identidad cultural en los estudiantes de tercer grado de la institución educativa indígena rural nº1 sede jonjoncito a través de mitos y leyendas; debido a que han ido perdiendo su identidad cultural como son: La lengua, costumbres y tradiciones, cabe anotar que los estudiantes no muestran entusiasmo por las asignaturas de wayuunaiki y cosmovisión wayuu, de igual forma no desean escuchar cuentos o relatos de nuestra cultura.
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    Implementación del lenguaje de programación scratch 3.0 para el desarrollo de la creatividad en los estudiantes del grado sexto 03 de la institución educativa técnica internado indígena San Antonio ubicada en el municipio de Manaure – la Guajira
    (Universidad Antonio Nariño) Curiel Mejía, Eduardo Javier; Peralta Medina, Mariellys
    After analyzing the evolution of the learning in the area of ​​computer science of the degrees of the secondary basic in the Institutional Educativa Técnica Internado Indígena San Antonio de Aremasain, municipality of Manaure, La Guajira, we discovered that only instructed on the handling of equipment and computer programs, where the student in no way becomes a generator of new knowledge or proposals to improve their learning. Mitchell Resnick, director of the MIT Media Lab at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, affirms, "Learning to program is to program to learn," referring to the learning strengths that allow children and young people to empower the Scratch programming environment. Since its launch ten years ago, it has proven to be a learning tool and a creative driver for children and young people around the world. Highlighting three great advantages. The first provides the opportunity for primary school children, young people, teachers and professionals in any area, to get started in the world of programming. Thanks to its graphical interface in the form of blocks that can be nested like a puzzle, the integration of sounds, the possibility of exchanging the position, color and size of objects, the setting or background of the application and the use of the camera in time real. The second, allows you to share your creations and know or download the creations of others, with the online editor by categories, in a community that grows daily and involves programmers of all ages around the world.