Ingeniería industrial


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    Propuesta integral para la reducción de pérdidas en el sistema de acueducto de la empresa Red Vital ESP, del municipio de Paipa
    (Universidad Antonio Nariño) Díaz Lizarazo, Javier Santiago; Alarcón Pérez, Oscar Alberto
    In the following work, it is described the process of water- supply system conducted by RED VITAL E, S, P company in order to purify water. In this water catchment process, treatment, distribution and marketing, some technical and commercial water losses are identified by different concerns. This project aims at working on the causes of technical and commercial losses of unaccounted water, due to no actions to reduce the losses have been carried out, except the arrangements done previously by the company.
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    Diseño de la planificación de requerimiento de material (MRP) para la empresa Carpintería Maderisah.
    (Universidad Antonio Nariño) Polo Moreno, Daniela Andrea; Martínez Hernández, José Luis; Gomez Rueda, Luis othon
    This research project proposes a materials requirements planning (MRP) design for the carpentry company Maderisah, a company dedicated to the custom-order manufacturing of doors and closets based on organic and synthetic wood. It consists of efficiently managing and planning the production of goods. In order to optimize productivity, reduce order delivery time and achieve customer satisfaction. For the development of the objectives, a diagnosis of the company was primarily carried out in order to know the current state of its production system, making the internal personnel of the company known and also identifying the deficiencies that arise, to achieve better quality. We continue with a forecast that shows us the anticipated estimate of the demand for materials necessary for production, together with an aggregate plan that allows us to know the times and requirements needs, this facilitates more efficient management of resources, minimizes costs and ensures that production meets demand effectively. We proceed to design the MRP, in order to plan the requirements for specific materials and establish the cost-benefit relationship of the MRP as a proposed improvement for the company, making known the costs, the current inventory, etc. And as the last development of the objective we find programming in Microsoft Excel where the aim is to make it easier for the worker to keep track of the requirements that are needed in each period.
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    Propuesta de mejora de proceso logístico para la producción y exportación de mango en la parcela dulce rosa
    (Universidad Antonio Nariño) Delghans Rodriguez, Aylen Nayeth; Pertuz Borja, Yarima; Gomez Rueda, Luis othon
    Además, se estableció una alianza con la Asociación de Productores de Mango de Jamonacal y Alrededores (ASOMANJAA), lo que permitió acceder a un punto de acopio cercano a la Parcela Dulce Rosa, agilizando el proceso de recolección y reduciendo los tiempos de transporte. Gracias a esto, se logró una mayor eficiencia en el proceso logístico, con tiempos de cosecha y transporte reducidos, minimizando las pérdidas y garantizando la calidad del mango. Asimismo, se mejoró la coordinación con proveedores, mayoristas y minoristas, lo que facilitó la distribución y exportación del producto.
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    Diseño del sistema de gestión de seguridad y salud en el trabajo según la iso 45001 de 2018, para la empresa industrias de guantes y suministro “Joab Caleb”
    (Universidad Antonio Nariño) Giraldo Ponzon, Maria camila; Castrillo Martínez, Moisés Alfonso; Gómez Rueda, Luis Othon
    The main objective of the subsequent research work is to carry out an occupational health and safety management design for the JOAB CALEB gloves and supplies industries company, which has as its problem the lack of an SG-SST, the implementation of This will be contemplated under the ISO 45001 2018 standard, which will have as its main criterion for compliance, evaluating the state of the organization through an initial evaluation and with the results of the same, the design is carried out, taking into account the requirements of the standard. . The organization is aware of the lack of the system, which is why it decides to start with the design of the management system; The analysis shows us that there are no suitable procedures for the adequate development of activities within the organization, that is, the regulations stipulated by law are not being complied with and this could lead to legal problems for the organization. glove and supply industries, JOAB CALEB, thanks to this design, will have the current legal requirements of an SG-SST which will help it keep track of hazards, accidents, incidents and occupational diseases, in addition to having all the documentation required to each activity to be carried out.
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    Propuesta para el diseño de un plan de marketing digital para la empresa “coser y tejer de la costa” en la ciudad de fundación magdalena
    (Universidad Antonio Nariño) Panneflek Celedón, Ángela Vanesa; Rico Díaz, Karen Patricia; Acosta vega, Rick Kevin
    This thesis presents a detailed analysis and proposal of a Strategic Digital Marketing Plan designed specifically for the company "Coser y Tejer de la Costa", based in the city of Fundación Magdalena. The main objective is to improve the company's online presence and enhance its positioning in the market, taking advantage of the opportunities offered by the digital environment. The study begins with an exhaustive review of the business context, identifying the characteristics of the textile sector in the region and evaluating the company's current presence on digital platforms. Through market analysis tools, consumer trends and preferences in the digital sphere are identified. Subsequently, a comprehensive digital marketing strategy is developed that covers aspects such as website optimization, the effective use of social networks, the implementation of online advertising campaigns and content management. Specific tactics are also proposed to improve customer interaction, foster loyalty and increase brand visibility. In summary, this thesis provides a practical and detailed approach to implementing a Strategic Digital Marketing Plan adapted to the specific needs and characteristics of "Coser y Tejer de la Costa". The application of these strategies not only seeks to strengthen the company's online presence, but also improve its competitiveness and contribute to sustainable growth in the local and digital market
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    Propuesta para la creación una tienda virtual de ropa street style
    (Universidad Antonio Nariño) Morales Bolaño, Anibal steven; Salcedo, Pedro Luis
    The creation of a virtual clothing store is a strategic proposal that seeks to take advantage of the opportunities of electronic commerce and satisfy the demands of fashion consumers. In this proposal, research has been carried out on the online fashion market. It will be designed considering an intuitive and attractive interface, along with an effective digital marketing strategy. This is justified by the need to overcome geographical limitations, offer a greater variety of products, establish close relationships with customers and reduce operating costs. By implementing this virtual store, it is expected to establish a solid presence in the online fashion market and provide a personalized and satisfying shopping experience
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    Diseño del Sistema de Gestión de Calidad basado en la NTC ISO 15189:2022 para el Laboratorio Anatomía Patológica del Doctor Jairo Alberto Díaz Torres
    (Universidad Antonio Nariño) Cañon Lombana, Hermelinda; Rozo Daza, Diana Marcela; NIÑO CORDERO, EDGAR MISAEL
    The purpose of this research is to improve the quality of the service provided by the pathology anatomy laboratory of Doctor Jairo Alberto Diaz Torres through the design of the Quality Management System based on the ISO 15189:2022 standard, which leads to the standardization of processes. The research method used was descriptive and its approach will be mixed quantitative and qualitative; supported by instruments that allowed the assessment of the QMS, the checklist was used for verification based on the criteria of the standard and a survey of laboratory staff to collect the necessary information against the requirements of the standard, obtaining from the checklist the compliance of the initial diagnosis against the quality with a high percentage between 75%, then based on the results the required documentary structure was formulated to ensure standard compliance based on ISO 15189: 2022, obtaining a percentage of compliance against the technical and quality management requirements, the percentages will increase when implementing the Quality Management System to the Anatomic Pathology Laboratory. Keywords: NTC ISO 15189:2022, Quality Management System, Documentation, Process standardization.
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    Identificación de alternativas para la reducción de costos en el proceso de transporte de caña manual en un ingenio del Valle del Cauca
    (Universidad Antonio Nariño) Pérez, Diego Alejandro; Duque Rincon, May Andrés; Betancourt, Fernando Jose
    "IDENTIFICATION OF ALTERNATIVES FOR COST REDUCTION IN THE MANUAL CANE TRANSPORTATION PROCESS AT A SUGAR MILL IN VALLE DEL CAUCA” is a project that arises from the need of a sugar mill to reduce its operating costs and ultimately achieve higher profits. This is part of a range of projects defined by the company's management in conjunction with the management area (improvement area) and with the help of the owners of the different processes. In the transportation process for the manual cane harvest at the sugar mill, it was aimed to apply tools from the DMAIC methodology, defining its objectives according to each stage to ultimately achieve the savings. Firstly, the goal of average weight per wagon was sought to be defined. The options proposed by the methodology were reviewed with the support of management to set an achievable but challenging goal. Secondly, the behavior of the cost indicator for manual transportation was measured based on what was executed in 2023 and historical data from 2022. In this phase, transportation costs were mapped in a tree diagram to identify the items that directly affect and thus achieve a detailed understanding of the behavior and identify the focus that could help achieve the defined goal. The first indication to work on the costs of using tractor trailers per ton of cane transported primarily came from this measurement. Thirdly, after having a cost analysis in the previous step, a more descriptive statistical analysis of the impacting indicators was carried out through Pareto diagrams, cause analysis, until reaching the details of deeper analyses such as variation and statistical capacity of the indicator with the greatest impact on the cost of manual transportation (Ton/Wagon). At this point, the process's ability to meet the objectives proposed by the company in terms of indicator control was demonstrated.
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    Propuesta de modelo logístico para el transporte y distribución del queso de hoja de los productores de los municipios de El Espino y Güicán
    (Universidad Antonio Nariño) Dallos León, Laura Zuleimy; Alarcón Pérez, Oscar Alberto
    This project was developed in the área of El Espino and Güicán in the Nort of Boyacá. The main objective of this project is to establish a proposed logistical model for the transportation and distribution of leafy cheese from producers located in these municipalities, for wich it uses a descriptive methodology and classified as mixed because it uses quantitative data that describes the composition of means of transportation and the possibility of implementig improvements aimed at the profitability of the logis tics proces, for artesanal producers.
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    Diseño de propuesta de mejoramiento de riesgos ocupacionales en la empresa de lácteos IBEL en el municipio de Belén
    (Universidad Antonio Nariño) Pulido Ochoa, Lorena; Yomayusa Prieto, Yeimy Esperanza; García Corredor, Fredy Guillermo
    The main objective of this academic work is to design a proposal to prevent occupational risks in the production process of the company "DAIRY IBEL" of the municipality of Belén, developed with methodology in mixed type research, in descriptive approach, exploratory and applied, with which three phases were carried out: the initial diagnosis, with the collection of photographic evidence, checklist under standard NTC 4114 supported by direct observation carried out in the field work and interviews; Once the diagnosis was made, the current working conditions and the association between the elements of the productive process and the health and safety of workers were identified, and opportunities for improvement were also identified on which proposals were established at the end of the project.
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    Propuesta de aprovechamiento de tomate chonto en polvo deshidratado como alternativa de valor agregado en la finca tomates Don Beto
    (Universidad Antonio Nariño) Rodríguez Espinosa, Ivi Daniela; Alarcón Pérez, Oscar Alberto
    His degree work presents the technical evaluation for the development of the use- of the Chonto tomato in its fourth and fifth categories, which is regularly wasted as animal feed, but at the same time shows a great opportunity for value generation and transformation into other consumer products. The proposal starts by determining the volume of raw material available on the farm - Don-Beto tomatoes and establishing the yield and capacity margins that the project will have for the processing of said raw material.
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    Modelo estratégico de seguridad vial para la empresa agremiación de transportadores de Samacá para el periodo 2023-2025
    (Universidad Antonio Nariño) Sierra Rodríguez, Daniel Alfonso; Molina Miguez, John Alexander
    his study proposes a strategic road safety model for the company "Agremación de Transportadores de Samacá S.A.S. (ATS). The transport sector faces important challenges in terms of road safety and ATS aims to mitigate these risks. Our operating method is based on assessing company-specific risks, implementing relevant policies and procedures, and promoting a safety culture.
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    Plan de negocio para la creación de empresa sostenible a partir de residuos de artesanías en arcilla del municipio de Ràquira
    (Universidad Antonio Nariño) Murcia Mora, Felipe; Molina Miguez, John Alexander
    The main objective of this project is the business plan for the creation of a sustainable company producing ecological bricks, based on concrete and baked clay waste, derived from the manufacture of handicrafts, in the municipality of Ráquira Boyacá. This waste will be used as part of the raw material, which is increasing every day since it is not reused and contributes to the contamination of ecosystems.
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    Actualización de la documentación de Veolia aguas de Tunja a las directrices corporativas, de acuerdo con los requisitos de información documentada de la norma ISO 9001:2015
    (Universidad Antonio Nariño) Torres Jiménez, Anghy Katerine; Molina Miguez, John Alexander
    The ISO 9001 Standard constitutes the essential pillar for Quality Management, offering substantial improvements in products and services, compliance with legal and customer requirements, addressing risks and opportunities, and demonstrating conformity with the quality management system standards (NTC-ISO 9001:2015).
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    Propuesta de mejoramiento a las actividades del sistema de gestión de seguridad y salud en el trabajo para la distribuidora Tunja Boyacá de la empresa AVSA S.A.
    (Universidad Antonio Nariño) Hernández Lancheros, Vivian Julieth; Molina Miguez, John Alexander
    In this work, a diagnosis is made of compliance with the Occupational Safety and Health Management System (OSH) in the company AVSA S.A in the department of Boyacá, specifically with regard to accident control and prevention, occupational incidents and diseases. In addition, a training plan is proposed that includes all the risks related to the tasks performed by the Collaborators in their daily routine, with the aim of consolidating knowledge in the prevention of risks related to such hazards.
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    Diseño del sistema de gestión ambiental aplicado a los estándares de la ISO 14001:2015 en la constructora Aldava Ingeniería S.A.S
    (Universidad Antonio Nariño) Parra Bohórquez, William Rene; Hernández Avila, Sandra Patricia
    Companies have a significant environmental responsibility. They must consider their surroundings, activities, processes, and their alignment with environmental aspects. In this book, we will find the process that was carried out to establish an environmental management system at Aldava Ingenieria S.A.S, from its theoretical foundation to its implementation. It begins with the diagnosis conducted through site visits and an examination of the 109 applicable clauses of the ISO 14001:2015 standard, analyzing the data and applying methodological tools such as the SWOT matrix.
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    Diseño de propuesta de valor basada en una experiencia para el colaborador desde una perspectiva del modelo 'EFR' en la empresa veolia aguas de Tunja SA -ES.P.
    (Universidad Antonio Nariño) Hernández López, Brayan Leonardo; Molina Miguez, John Alexander
    The company Veolia Aguas de Tunja SA -ES.P, (giving rise and abbreviation from now on to mention VEOLIA.), was certified with the "Family Responsible Company" (EFR) model of the Más Familia Foundation in 2013, with a Focus on balancing personal, work and family balance to enhance work performance. After a constant process of evolution, VEOLIA seeks to obtain A+ and A Plus certification, reflecting an exceptional commitment to conciliation and the effective implementation of measures that benefit employees.
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    Diseño del sistema de gestión de calidad basado en la norma NTC ISO 9001:2015 en la empresa MonguiGol del municipio Monguí.
    (Universidad Antonio Nariño) Chaparro Triana, Sergio Nicolás; Corredor Rodríguez, Edgar David; García Corredor, Fredy Guillermo
    This research project is based on the approach of a quality management system based on the international standard ISO 9001:2015, for the operational part of the soccer ball manufacturing in the MonguiGol Company. It starts with the collection of information on internal processes and data related to the production procedures carried out by the company, then a diagnosis of the company's compliance with the requirements of the ISO 9001:2015 standard is made, that is, the data using a survey of senior management regarding inherent compliance with what is stated in the standard.
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    Estudio de Pre factibilidad para la creación de empresa productora de abono orgánico, obtenido por compostaje en el municipio de Santa Rosa, Boyacá
    (Universidad Antonio Nariño) Daza Rodríguez, Cesar Alberto; Ávila Chaparro, Cristiam Santiago; Alarcón Pérez, Oscar Alberto
    The prefeasibility study aims to analyze the viability of implementing a company dedicated to the manufacture of organic composted fertilizer in the province of Tundama in the department of Boyacá, the production plant will be established in the Municipality of Santa Rosa de Viterbo. For the corresponding analyses, field information has been collected through surveys directed at agricultural producers located in the different municipalities of the province regarding the use of organic fertilizers. The results show the feasibility of project implementation in different aspects such as the evaluation of environmental impacts and financial profitability.
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    Documentación del Sistema integrado de gestión según criterio de la NTC ISO 9001:2015 y resolución 0312:2019 para la organización Mercado Municipal S.A.S del Municipio de villa de Leyva Boyacá
    (Universidad Antonio Nariño) Buitrago Sáenz, Juan Carlos; Roberto Daza, Wendy Tatiana; Hernández Avila, Sandra Patricia
    The need to meet the requirements of customers is an important factor, which is why restaurants need strategies to help optimize production processes and to meet satisfactorily