

Recent Submissions

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    Comparación de dos métodos de medida del tiempo de ruptura lagrimal
    (Universidad Antonio Nariño) Carrillo Sánchez, Melissa; Sánchez Alvarado, Úrsula Amanda; Cortés Rodríguez, Diana Catalina; Oyasa Moncayo, Juan Fernando
    In 2017, the report carried out by the TFOS DEWS II was born with the purpose of giving conceptual order to dry eye disease (DED), which is closely related to the malfunction of the Tear Film (PL) and therefore affects the ocular surface (OS) (1).
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    Análisis comparativo de los requisitos visuales para la licencia de conducción en colombia con respecto a otros países suramericanos y de europa
    (Universidad Antonio Nariño) Montoya Gutiérrez, Alejandro; Saldarriaga Zuluaga, Henry; Neuta García, Kevin Alexis; Galeano Castañeda, Yadira Bernarda
    The sense of vision plays a crucial role in enabling humans to effectively perform various activities, including operating a motor vehicle. Hence, it is imperative that nations and their respective organizations have the appropriate methodologies and protocols to authenticate individuals through visual assessment.
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    Manifestaciones visuales y oculares en niños usuarios de dispositivos electrónicos móviles en edad preescolar y escolar de 3 a 16 años, Medellín
    (Universidad Antonio Nariño) Sánchez Cervantes, José Alfonso; Gordo Peña, Laura Patricia; Galeano Castañeda, Yadira
    Excessive consumption of mobile devices can affect proper neurological development and cause visual and behavioral damage in children and may be associated with visual dysfunction in adulthood.
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    Alteraciones más frecuentes a nivel ocular debido a la metástasis a partir de un cáncer primario de mama
    (Universidad Antonio Nariño) Vargas Morales, Lenis Carolina; Navarrete Durán, Adriana; Galeano Castañeda, Yadira Bernarda
    Breast cancer (AC) is a disease with a predisposition to generate ocular metastasis. Early detection makes your treatment successful; the optometrist can detect signs at the ocular level and make early referral of the patient to the oncologist.
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    Hallazgos fundoscópicos en pacientes diagnosticados con el virus de la inmunodeficiencia humana y síndrome de inmunodeficiencia adquirida
    (Universidad Antonio Nariño) Bolaños Lopera, Kelly Johana; Cano Toro, Yessica Estefanía
    Every year around 34 million HIV infections are reported and that is why it is considered a public health problem. In Colombia, 134,636 cases were registered according to the high cost account (1). HIV attacks the CD4 T lymphocytes of the immune system, causing immunosuppression in patients with the virus.
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    Cambios sobre la superficie ocular asociados al uso de extensión de pestañas
    (Universidad Antonio Nariño) López Reyes, Johanna; Oyasa, Juan; Hernández Camargo, Carolina
    Eyelash extensions are a popular aesthetic method, which consists of increasing the volume and lengthening of these ocular annexes for aesthetic purposes. The process consists of superimposing synthetic eyelashes attached with glue to natural eyelashes. This aesthetic procedure can be associated with changes in the ocular microbiota, eyelid and conjunctival infections.
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    Estudio de la relación entre la conducción de vehículos motorizados y el tiempo de recuperación al deslumbramiento (fotoestrés) en adultos de la Universidad Antonio Nariño Sede Bogotá
    (Universidad Antonio Nariño) Vargas Olaya, Heidy Vanessa; Oyasa Moncayo, Juan Fernando; Hernández Camargo, Carolina
    One of the main causes of difficulty in driving is glare, which is defined as a secondary decrease in visual acuity to exposure of the eyeball to intense light, which produces discomfort, fatigue and discomfort in good visual performance
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    Asociación entre las fases del ciclo menstrual y la superficie ocular en un grupo de mujeres de 18 a 40 años de la Universidad Antonio Nariño
    (Universidad Antonio Nariño) Flechas Sosa, Diana Yohana; Vasquez Alvarado, Angela del Pilar; Oyasa Moncayo, Juan Fernando
    Menstruation is a cyclical process that occurs monthly due to differentiation, proliferation and shedding of the uterine endometrium. This process is regulated by steroid hormones such as estrogen and progesterone. However, These hormonal changes can cause symptoms, such as dysmenorrhea, which is the menstrual pain that some women experience during their cycle. Furthermore, these Symptoms can affect other systems of the body, such as the digestive system and manifest with nausea, vomiting, constipation or diarrhea
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    Utilidad del Polietileno Tereftalato (PET) y Polipropileno (PP) reciclado, para la fabricación de monturas oftálmicas
    (Universidad Antonio Nariño) Martinez Beltran, Paula Lizeth; Gonzalez Rueda, Karen Yireth; Ortiz vega, Sandra; Oyasa, Juan Fernando
    The present work aims to evaluate the usefulness of Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET) and Polypropylene (PP) recycled for the manufacture of ophthalmic frames. Ophthalmic frames are a mechanical support for optical systems such as lenses, prisms and filters, which must meet certain mechanical and hypoallergenic for clinical use. It should be noted that these properties mechanical and hypoallergenic although they are mentioned by the Icontec 5607 standard are not well defined in practice
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    Relación del componente afectivo con el Rendimiento Académico en estudiantes de optometría de la Universidad Antonio Nariño de Colombia
    (Universidad Antonio Nariño) Nieto Salazar, Angie Roxana; Ortiz Vega, Sandra; Marín Ballesteros, Diana Milena; Galeano, Yadira; Vásquez Melo, Eliana Carolina
    Self-Regulated Learning (SRL) as an important factor in the Academic Performance (AR) can be affected by negative responses from test anxiety (AE), describing the process of AE in students can allow us to know the way in which this develops in the population and its influence on the Academic processes
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    Programa De Vigilancia Epidemiológico En Salud Visual Para Los Trabajadores Del Molino Colombia S.A.S. En Venadillo Tolima 2017
    (Universidad Antonio Nariño) Rondon Aramendez, Ingrid Marcela; Bautista Ochoa, Mario Esteban
    Rice is essential for food security, being the main product At a global level, after wheat, in Colombia there is a large production in some departments, one of them is Tolima, where the soils and climate They help its production, increasing its demand nationwide. The use of pesticides in rice crops draws attention due to its high exposure producing harmful effects on the health of workers
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    Manifestaciones oculares en segmento anterior en pacientes diagnosticados con virus de inmunodeficiencia humana, y alteraciones en la superficie ocular en pacientes en terapia antirretroviral.
    (Universidad Antonio Nariño) Álvarez Arango, Santiago; Marín Arango, Manuela; Navarrete Durán, Adriana Patricia; Galeano Castañeda, Yadira Bernarda
    The human immunodeficiency virus is transmitted through blood, semen and vaginal fluids. The virus is responsible for destroying cells T-CD4 lymphocyte defense. When CD4 counts are very low, the body will be exposed to multiple opportunistic infections, which is called stage Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) (1)
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    Efectos clínicos en algunas funciones visuales y en el segmento anterior del globo ocular en consumidores de cannabis
    (Universidad Antonio Nariño) Holguín González, Angie Daniela; Torres Zapata, Mariana; Marín Aristizabal, Michael Andrés; Aya Cholo, David Sneider; Pérez Hernández, Jorge Alberto
    Currently there are various psychoactive substances that generate effects physiological side effects in our body, different effects can be generated ophthalmic level
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    Hallazgos oculares en segmento anterior encontrados en trabajadores agrícolas en la región de Antioquia expuestos al uso del glifosato
    (Universidad Antonio Nariño) Martínez Palacios, Gina Liseth; Murillo Maturana, Heiny Johana; Guzmán Cano, Juan David; Aya Cholo, David Sneider; Galeano Castañeda, Yadira Bernarda
    Agricultural chemicals are chemical compounds that refer to chemical substances or mixtures used to control responsible agricultural pests multiple crop damage
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    Métodos dicopticos y oclusión, comparación de la efectividad en el tratamiento de ambliopía
    (Universidad Antonio Nariño) León Castro, Federico; Aya Cholo, David Esneider
    Amblyopia is defined as a neurodevelopmental disorder of vision that is characterized by a visual disability in the amblyopic eye and an absence of function binocular vision
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    Prototipo de calculadora personalizada para la proyección de la miopía y su manejo
    (Universidad Antonio Nariño) Martínez Vásquez, Johan Alexis; Caicedo Mesa, Alexander Bautista; Pérez, Jorge Alberto; Hernández, César Augusto
    Myopia has become a public health disorder, due to the increase of myopic people in the world. Uncorrected refractive errors, incorporate the main cause of visual impossibility and the second cause of blindness in the world with 53% and 21% respectively
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    Factores Asociados al Desarrollo de Defectos Refractivos en la Etnia Hispana
    (Universidad Antonio Nariño) Martínez Rodríguez, Tivisay; Ávila Sánchez, Juliana Andrea; Hernandez Camargo, Carolina; Montoya, Christian Mauricio
    En general, refractive errors occur first, myopia, followed by hyperopia and lastly astigmatism. Currently there are 21 countries where the Hispanic ethnic group settles, highlighting its geographical location not only in America, but also in part of Africa and Asia, becoming a population of economic and social relevance, of which the prevalence of states is not well defined. refractive disorders or the factors associated with their development.
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    Sensibilidad al contraste en pacientes con glaucoma primario de ángulo abierto
    (Universidad Antonio Nariño) Perez Ramos, Gleidy Yulieth; Zamora Oliveros, Jessica Andrea; Izaza Forero, Lina Maria; Vásquez Alvarado, Ángela Del Pilar; Figueroa, Luisa Fernanda
    Contrast sensitivity is the ability to discriminate differences in luminance at various spatial frequencies. Glaucoma is an optic neuropathy and can decrease contrast sensitivity due to loss of ganglion cells and nerve fibers. Objective: To identify the contrast sensitivity values in patients with primary open-angle glaucoma and control patients, with the Pelli Robson and CSV-1000 tests. Methods: Studies published between 2006 to 2022, PubMed and Scielo were identified. Results: 6 articles in English language were analyzed, 4 descriptive observational and 2 analytical observational, evaluating patients with primary open angle glaucoma, 1 medium and moderate stage, 2 advanced and 3 without stage. Three of the studies measured contrast sensitivity with the Pelli Robson test and three with the CSV-1000. Reporting an average contrast sensitivity of 1.6 log in glaucoma patients evaluated with Pelli Robson and an average of 1.07 in low, medium and high spatial frequencies in the group of glaucoma patients measured with CSV1000E. Conclusion: The included studies evidenced the decrease in contrast sensitivity in patients with glaucoma in the CSV-1000 and Pelli Robson tests.
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    Complicaciones oculares asociadas al implante de lentes intraoculares fáquicos
    (Universidad Antonio Nariño) Martínez Cardozo, Yesica Lorena; Sierra Leal, Carlos Andrés; Castilla Barriosnuevo, Lisbeth
    Purpose: To describe the ocular complications associated with the implantation of phakic intraocular lenses in the different ametropias in adult patients through a review of the literature. Methods: a review of the literature was carried out, where databases such as Scopus, Pubmed, ScienceDirect and Scielo were reviewed, human studies published between 2018 and 2022. Results: intraocular lens implantation brings complications such as loss of endothelial cells, decreased intraocular pressure (IOP), changes in the trabecular meshwork, advanced pigment dispersion glaucoma, macular hole, traumatic aniridia or retinal detachment in myopic patients. and cataract. Conclusions: The implantation of an IOL is a good treatment option with a high percentage of success rate and a very low rate of ocular complications after its implantation, however, the loss of endothelial cells in implants of IOL of the anterior chamber is a of the most frequent complications and in posterior chamber implants, the most frequent complication was the production of cataracts.