Medicina veterinaria


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    Tetralogía de Fallot en poni: Caso clínico
    (Universidad Antonio Nariño, 2024-07-24) Artunduaga Muñoz, Daniela Daniela; Pedraza Tosacano, Adriana Maria
    This degree work with an internship modality is carried out at the Foal Care clinic, a comprehensive equine care clinic that seeks to offer solutions for horse breeders and horses. field veterinarians, being the main site of medical care for foals, mares and ponies in the Bogotá savannah.
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    Estrategias anestésicas en caninos y felinos durante la pasantía en un clínica veterinaria de Bogotá
    (Universidad Antonio Nariño, 2024-07-24) Hernández Casanova, María Juliana; Morales Pérez, Juan Carlos
    In veterinary practice, anesthesia is an essential element, used in various medical situations, such as emergency surgeries, preventive surgeries, and diagnostic procedures
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    Casuística de consulta veterinaria en la clínica equina bejucal
    (Universidad Antonio Nariño, 2024-07-24) Merchán Junca, Laura Camila; Bonilla Correal, Sebastian
    The present work was based on a theoretical-practical experience in the field of clinical equine medicine, through an internship as a grade III work option, at the Bejucal Clinic, in the municipality of Cajicá, Cundinamarca, where mainly Basic aspects of care, hospitalization, post-operative care, some basic procedures that were usually performed in order to find a diagnosis, as well as some parameters for carrying out a satisfactory history, catamnesis and physical examination are described
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    Requerimientos energéticos y proteicos en perras gestantes y lactantes, revisión bibliográfica
    (Universidad Antonio Nariño, 2024-07-24) Rozo Vargas, Angie Paola; Piñeros Montaña, Daniel; ROZO VARGAS, ANGIE PAOLA; PIÑEROS MONTAÑA, DANIEL; Cruz Uribe, Jaime Fabian
    Understanding the requirements and nutritional balance, especially energy and protein, are vital in the female canine to maintain an optimal state of health, an adequate weight and avoid complications linked to food, in each third of gestation, in addition to intervening in the development and formation of each fetus
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    Efectos de la foto estimulación espermática en equinos y porcinos
    (Universidad Antonio Nariño, 2024-07-19) Aldana Gallego, María Fernanda; Bonilla Correa, Sebastian
    The evaluation of semen quality is crucial in the selection of males and in the management of breeding programs. Although conventional analyzes may have predictive limitations, certain parameters such as sperm motility and morphology are correlated with fertility
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    Estudio de prevalencia de las patologías con resolución quirúrgica más comunes en una clínica veterinaria de grandes animales enfocado en el caballo criollo colombiano
    (Universidad Antonio Nariño, 2024-07-16) Díaz Villalobos, Nicholle Alejandra; Bernal Martínez, Cristian Nicolás; Cruz Carrillo, Paola Fernanda; Olaya Barrera, Manuel Antonio; Bonilla Correal, Sebastian
    This study was made in Cajica with the objective of having more knowledge about which pathologies are more likely to present in a horse criollo colombiano with a surgical resolution. 52 medical records were found in the clinic located in Cajica, the pathology with more incidence was hyperflexion of the hind limbs or stringhalt compared to the other pathologies registered on the clinic. The conclusion was that the criollo colombiano horse has more incidence in this pathology because of the way he flexes his limbs.
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    Programa de prevención antirrábica realizados durante la pasantía en la UMATA en las zonas rurales del Municipio de Tarso, Antioquia
    (Universidad Antonio Nariño, 2024-07-12) Palma Tamayo, Viviana Carolina; Franco Voigt, Johann Nicholaus
    The work is the report of the internship carried out between the months of December 2022 and January 2023, at the UMATA in the municipality of Tarso, in the southwest of the department of Antioquia. During this period, three activities were developed, basically: an anti-rabies vaccination campaign in the 16 villages of the municipality, 4 euthanasias of 1 canine and 3 felines, and 2 conferences with small livestock farmers, about the importance of implementing good livestock practices in the productions.
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    Informe de Evaluación y Análisis De Técnicas Quirúrgicas Para Prolapso Vaginal Bovino y Bienestar Animal
    (Universidad Antonio Nariño, 2023-04-24) Cuevas Tibaduiza, Yelixa; Bonilla Correal, Sebastian
    The following report describes the activities carried out in the internship that began on August 12, 2022 and ended on December 2 of the same year, at the Namigni animal sanctuary, located in La Calera, Cundinamarca, multiple functions are performed at this site. , such as: general clinical examination, reproductive checkups, calculation and administration of medications, assistance in surgery of cattle, horses and other species, implementation of strategies for the improvement of meadows and pastures, delivery care, medical consultations, taking and sending samples, study of the toxic potential of local fauna, in addition to promoting animal welfare practices to guarantee animals optimal living conditions.
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    Comparación De Procedimientos Y Resultados Obtenidos Del Uso De Vacunas Contra Las Garrapatas
    (Universidad Antonio Nariño) Barrera Reita, Cindy Jyneth; Rodriguez Huertas, Angie Meliza; Barrera Reita, Cindy Jyneth; Rodriguez Huteras, Angie Meliza; Cruz Uribe, Jaime Fabian
    Tick ​​infestations in bovine production over the years continue to be a major problem in this sector due to the great economic losses by reducing the weight of the animals and, however, in dairy production, due to the high resistance that has been generated. to a range of methods implemented for the limitation of these
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    Uso de diluyentes para la conservación de semen equino en Colombia
    (Universidad Antonio Nariño) Valencia Solano, Noemi; Bonilla Correal, Sebastian
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    Reporte De Caso Urolitiasis Canina Durante La Pasantía En Clínica Veterinaria De Pequeños Animales
    (Universidad Antonio Nariño, 2023-10-20) Pulido ortiz, Dana Lorena
    The internship is an opportunity that the university offers as a degree option, serving as a method to complement the student's learning and training in the practical area of daily clinical practice, thus helping to strengthen skills and knowledge acquired in the academic field, offering a space in which the student integrates what was learned in the theoretical part with practice. This internship was carried out at the veterinary clinic “El Bosque Animal - Clínica Veterinaria” located in the city of Bogotá, Colombia, carrying out a total of 250 practical hours. The clinic has different areas such as outpatient consultation, clinical laboratory, hospitalization, surgery and imaging, which allows the student to acquire multidisciplinary knowledge for their professional future.
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    Tratamiento de la peritonitis infecciosa felina con la molécula gs 441524- un reporte de caso
    (Universidad Antonio Nariño) Atehortua Morales, Valentina; Sanchez, Yineth
    The internship performed at the veterinary clinic Cat Medical Care, was a source to enter the world of knowledge of cat medicine, in order to enrich in a practical way the theoretical knowledge acquired through the undergraduate studies.
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    Importancia De Los Diluyentes Para La Conservación Y Preservación En Semen Equino
    (Universidad Antonio Nariño) Abril Galvis, Karen Tatiana; Bonilla Correal, Sebastían
    Equine semen refrigeration is an assisted reproduction technique that has been increasingly used and developed in recent years, as it allows semen to be stored and transported while maintaining its potential fertility for around 24 hours. Extenders have been established as an alternative to compensate for the problems that occur during the conservation or preservation of equine semen, since various molecules with antioxidant properties can be added to them. Different semen refrigeration extenders have been developed to ensure that the sperm maintains its qualities for a fertilizing ejaculate, there are currently a large number of commercial extenders based on different elements and thus achieve adequate sperm preservation. The optimization of these seeks to guarantee the maximum possible viability and fertility of the semen (Ribeiro et al., 2015).
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    Evaluación de la calidad seminal en equinos de raza criollo colombiano con tres diluyentes comerciales
    (Universidad Antonio Nariño) Serrano Chagüeza, Luis Felipe; Andrade Valencia, Juan Pablo
    This study tests three preservatives or diluents for equine semen which are Botusemen Gold from BotuPharma® Brazil laboratory, Ramp from Rampco® Colombia laboratory and Revolution from Incolamerica® United States, in three individuals with similar anatomical and physiological conditions of which the samples are prepared by a 1/1 dilution and then initial characteristics such as color, pH, sperm malformations are evaluated followed by evaluation using a neubauer chamber to determine the percentage of total motility and progressive motility in an initial control of twelve hours followed by controls at intervals of twenty-five hours, pH, sperm malformations followed by evaluation using the neubauer chamber to determine the percentage of total motility and progressive motility in an initial control of twelve hours followed by controls at twenty-four hour intervals, storing them in a medium of 2-8° in order to determine and analyze which product is better or retains the best characteristics under these conditions and why.
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    Indicadores de Calidad en Leche de Tanque de Cinco Fincas del Municipio de Popayán, Cauca.
    (Universidad Antonio Nariño) García Martínez, Laura Valentina; Hawkins Belalcázar, Ángela Daniela; Rosero Ortiz, Karen Johana; Daza Bolaños, Carmen Alicia
    Quality parameters in milk are a key issue for both the dairy industry and consumer health. This study examines key indicators that include the physicochemical composition of milk, such as its fat content, proteins, total solids and somatic cell count, which directly affects its nutritional value and organoleptic properties. The objective of this study was to evaluate the quality parameters of raw milk in five cooling tanks in the municipality of Popayán, Cauca. Samples were collected from five tanks at 30-day intervals, and parameters such as bacteria, physicochemical quality and somatic cell count were analyzed. Microbiological parameters showed a greater presence of Enterobacteriaceae type bacteria such as Klebsiella pneumoniae with an average percentage of 50%, 37.5% corresponded to Citrobacter freundii and 12.5% to Escherichia coli. In terms of physicochemical quality, the average fat in the samples of the five farms was 61.97%, the average protein 46.971%, total solids 197.74% and somatic cell count 6.635.846%. Finally, the presence of microorganisms is evidenced in the milk samples of the five cooling tanks, which generate a degradation since milk is a product sensitive to the proliferation of microbiological agents by antibiotic resistance, also influence compositional quality and nutritional use, implying an impact on public health
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    Identificación de los agentes patógenos Nosema spp. y Acarapis spp., en once unidades apícolas localizadas en los municipios de Cajibío y Popayán del departamento del Cauca
    (Universidad Antonio Nariño) Anacona Sánchez, Daniel Yunitza; Sotelo Guevara, Lina Marcela; Angarita Alonso, Fredy Javier
    Bees are essential for ecosystems around the world, thanks to the role they play in the pollination of plants and trees, they contribute to the natural regeneration of forests, their presence improves productive parameters of nearby crops, such as the number of fruits. per plant and their quality. Acarapiosis and Nosemosis are diseases that attack honey bees. They are reported as diseases of economic importance by the World Organization for Animal Health due to the impact they have on bee production. In Colombia, these two diseases are notifiable before the Institute. Colombian Agriculture (ICA). There are few studies carried out in Colombia, three previous investigations were found carried out in the departments of Boyacá, Sucre, Magdalena, Risaralda and Cundinamarca that reported these diseases. This work was first developed in the department of Cauca. The purpose of this study was to identify the presence of the pathogenic agents of Acarapiosis and Nosemosis: Acarapis woodi and Nosema sp. in eleven beekeeping units located in two municipalities of the department of Cauca, taking as reference the methodology described in the Manual of diagnostic tests and vaccines for Terrestrial animals, according to the World Organization for Animal Health (2022), through the use of a stereoscope. Sampling was carried out during the months of April, May and June 2023 and a positive sample for Acarapis woodi was obtained in a beekeeping unit in the municipality of Cajibío with an infestation percentage of 8%
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    Determinación De Las Características Anatómicas De Las Arterias Coronarias En El Gato Doméstico (Felis Catus) Mediante Técnicas De Inyección Vascular
    (Universidad Antonio Nariño) Trujillo Orjuela, Carlos Fernando; Morales Pérez, Juan Carlos; Gutiérrez Trujillo, Hugo Andrés
    A significant increase in pet ownership is booming, cats and dogs as pets. company represent the largest number in this trend. Diseases that affect these species They are diverse and significant studies in the different areas of knowledge of veterinary medicine. They are necessary to counteract the pathologies they present. Anatomy as a science, establishes the bases for other subjects such as physiology and pathology, therefore, this study developed in the domestic cat determined through an anatomical vascular repression technique with neoprene latex in two bodies; that the vascular pattern of the heart is similar to that reported in the dog.
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    Evaluación Del Programa De Control Mastitis Y Calidad De Leche En 7 Fincas De Producción Caprina Del Departamento De Cundinamarca, Colombia
    (Universidad Antonio Nariño) Medina Hernandez, Ginna Paola; Olaya Roa, Eimmy Viviana; Vargas Ortiz, Francisco Javier
    The present investigation focuses on studying the level of subclinical mastitis and the way in which the quality of milk is affected in goat production in the department of Cundinamarca, Colombia, since the composition of the milk and hygienic quality could be affected. sanitary when carrying out milking processes and handling post-milking milk appropriately. Taking into account that various factors such as: genetic, nutritional, poor management, climatic and health, can affect the mammary glands of goats and this can begin to generate inflammation due to different contagious agents, causing the milk to become contaminated. affecting its composition and altering its quality. The latter being one of the main factors that causes the most damage and is the one we give the least importance to, this point, due to its frequency and economic relevance, daily generates losses for producers and owners of goat production. (Zuluaga, 2010)
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    Detección De Ehrlichia Spp. En Caninos En El Laboratorio Clínico Veterinario Reacvet De La Ciudad De Bogotá D.C.
    (Universidad Antonio Nariño) Hernández Rincon, Michel Dayana; Rincón Rojas, Lesly Samantha; Daza Cardona, Erika Alexandra
    This work is carried out with the purpose of presenting a deliverable within the internship as a degree modality, and to be able to indicate whether the prevalence of Ehrlichia spp. It is a significant cause of mortality in canines. As is well known, in Colombia there is a prevalence of 40.6% of E. canis and a seroprevalence of 82.4% (Trujillo, 2017). This hemoparasite can cause considerable deterioration in the animal's health, which makes it a highly pathogenic microorganism, generating alterations in different systems in the susceptible host.
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    Comparación De Los Dos Diferentes Tipos De Congelación En Equinos (Mografia)
    (Universidad Antonio Nariño) Rodríguez Martínez, Fabián Camilo; Bonilla Correal, Sebastian
    Cryopreservation has positioned itself as an excellent method in the equine industry thanks to the fact that it favors genetic improvement. (Peña et al., 2011). For this reason, various studies are carried out, with the objective of perfecting biotechnology focused on reproduction, among them semen freezing and artificial insemination (Medeiros et al 2002).