Diseño de un sistema mecánico para el levantamiento de tapas de las cámaras de inspección de redes subterráneas del sistema de distribución de energía eléctrica en Bogotá

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Currently, locally the electricity sector has high safety standards, where its safe work procedures are the product of investigations into workplace accidents that have occurred. The technical field personnel are trained, equipped with specialized tools and protection elements of high quality for the development of activities in height and electrical work. However, there isn`t tool to uncover the inspection cameras where the underground networks of the distribution system are housed, this activity is still carried out manually, by forcefully lifting the lid by the technicians, exposing their extremities to entrapment or high muscle fatigue. For this reason, the objective of this project is to provide an alternative to carry out the lifting of inspection camera covers in the city of Bogotá with a tool that mitigates the aforementioned mechanical risks. A speed reducer and torque multiplier transmission box has been designed to hoist the inspection chamber covers in a controlled and safe way, which will allow having great versatility and coverage in this type of operations since its size and maneuverability is simple