Lineamientos urbanos para el espacio público de las zonas contiguas al río Pasto en la zona céntrica de la ciudad de San Juan De Pasto.

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Abstract This academic exercise is carried out with the aim to opt for the title of Architect in the Program of Architecture of the University Antonio Nariño in Palmira, through the development of a proposal for urban Guidelines of intervention of public space in areas adjacent to the river grass which promote its revitalization and the integration of this, the urban fabric of the city of San Juan de Pasto. Guidelines, based on concepts of Territorial Organization that applied to the city of San Juan de Pasto, to serve as a starting point for future research and/or interventions of Public Space in this central area of the city, since its formulation will be developed from the recognition of the sector space physical conditions and the identification of urban dynamics of this urban fabric. The exercise is carried out by means of a mixed methodology; which will include reflections on the different elements of the system of public space in the city, based on a theoretical framework from Architecture and Planning. Key words: San Juan de Pasto, River Grass, Public Space, Territorial, revitalization.