Evaluación de los conocimientos en prescripción farmacológica de los estudiantes de odontología de la Universidad Antonio Nariño sede Bucaramanga

Universidad Antonio Nariño
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In the odontological practice in children the medical prescription is required Lack of knowledgement in pharmacological prescription might produce serious complications for patiens health. General Objective: Evaluate the knowledgement in pharmacological prescription in odontology students of Antonio Nariño University in Bucaramanga, Colombia, period 2020. Methodology: The study is descreptive, observational and transversal. 53 volunteer participants were evaluated in a survey (n = 53). A sample was Taken from all the surveys that Antonio Nariño students answered during the second period 2020. A questionnaire of 12 questions was Made to evaluate how much know the students about pharmacological prescription. Finally, the results were evaluated and the data were analysed in Excel and frecuencies and averages tables were made. Results: In general, only 66% of students evaluated answered correctly. With regard to the question: ¿which is the maximum dose of Ampicillin for children? The survey showed 49% answered 100-200mg/kg weight,7% answered 300mg/kg weight and 8% answered 400mg/kg weight and Finally 36% answered maximum 100mg/kg weight. According to the question: ¿when there is a dental infection, which antimicrobian do You recommend? The answered showed that 34% of students recommend Amoxicillin100 mg/kg weight by oral via every 8 hours;49%answered Ampicillin 20- 50 mg/kg weight by oral via every 8 hours; 2% answered Claritromicine 7.5-. 15 mg/kg weight by oral via every 8 hours, and Finally 15% answered Clindamycin 50mg/kg weight by oral via every 6 hours. According to the question: ¿Which of the following painkillers has bacteriostatic activivity? The survey showed that 13% of students answered aminoglucids;42%, Cephalosporin and Finally 45% answered Macrolides. Conclusion: The students of Antonio Nariño University, in Bucaramanga, don' t have much knowledgement about the pharmacological prescription in odontopediatrics. We suggest using other and efficient strategies Focus on better the Area of pharmacology in odontopediatrics.