Ingeniería civil


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    Auditoria en seguridad vial vía Armenia-Pereira, Km 0+000 al Km 9+000
    (Universidad Antonio Nariño, 2024-06-08) Anacona Buesaquillo, Angie Natalia; Duque Rios, Cristian; Tobar Navarrete, Carlos Alberto; Mejía Ramírez, Álvaro Mauricio
    In this project, a road safety audit was carried out in the municipality of Armenia located in the section between the abscissa km 0+000 to km 9+000 of the Armenia-Pereira highway. To carry out this audit, a descriptive and quantitative methodology was used in order to identify and describe the possible risks observed during the road inspection.
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    Auditoria En Seguridad Vial, Tramo Cartago-Cerritos (Sector Puerto Caldas), Ruta 2506, PR 80+000 Al PR 86+000
    Lemos Tello, Andrés Felipe; Baltan Rentería, Luis Alfonso; Mejía Ramírez, Álvaro Mauricio
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    Auditoría en seguridad vial, en la ruta nacional 25 del tramo Pr 86+000 al Pr 88+000 y ruta nacional 29 del tramo Pr 10+000 al Pr 11+000 del sector Cerritos – Pereira
    (Universidad Antonio Nariño, 2024-06-07) Martínez Torres, Fernando Gustavo; Mejía Ramírez, Álvaro Mauricio
    The Road Safety Audit is a systematic and preventive process that seeks to identify and evaluate possible safety problems on the roads, with the aim of proposing solutions that mitigate risks and improve road safety.
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    Auxiliar de Ingeniería Civil en la secretaría de Planeación de la Alcaldía de Mongua, Boyacá
    (Universidad Antonio Nariño, 2024-05-06) Silva Corredor, Laura Valentina; Riaño Puentes, Julio Ernesto
    The internship was carried out at the Planning Secretariat of the Municipal Mayor's Office of Mongua, located in the department of Boyacá, whose purpose was to provide support in administrative processes related to the review of documents, preparation of nomenclature certificates, stratification and land use. requested by the community. In addition, the databases of the beneficiary population of the housing project were updated; on the other hand, follow-up visits were made to the Bicentenario road. Where a mixed approach was used that combined quantitative and qualitative methods. Among the activities carried out are updating databases, housing verification visits, preparation of administrative documents, as well as follow-up visits to the Bicentenario road and preparation of budgets for road projects.
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    Apoyo en la gestión técnica en Camargo Construcciones y Equipos SAS en Duitama, Boyacá
    (Universidad Antonio Nariño, 2024-05-06) Cely Castro, Olga Johana; Becerra Becerra, Erika Lorena
    In this degree project, a detailed analysis of the execution of activities in construction projects during an internship at Camargo Construcciones y Equipos SAS is presented. Among these projects, the construction of the storage tank for the potable water treatment plant (P.T.A.P) stands out. Additionally, the Sandoval commercial and residential building in the municipality of Duitama, where technical and administrative work was carried out. In the first place, technical supervision was carried out in the execution of the work and of the work personnel to ensure the proper use of personal protective equipment (PPE).
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    Revisión del uso y aplicación de pavimentos reciclados con asfalto espumado a nivel internacional
    (Universidad Antonio Nariño, 2024-05-06) Millan Delgado, Kenny Yefrey; Becerra Becerra, Erika Lorena
    This research discloses the techniques, machinery, regulations and environmental impact of pavement recycling with foamed asphalt at an international level, due to its great importance in the economic development of a country. It is a technique based on creating a base layer by injecting small quantities of water and compressed air to a quantity of hot asphalt inside a chamber with recycled material, increasing its initial volume that allows the elaboration of a high performance foamed base by recycling asphalt materials and stone aggregates that guarantee a lower crack index based on the prolonged efforts due to traffic. In spite of this, it has become a problem due to the lack of knowledge regarding its engineering growth in the application.
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    Auxiliar de Ingeniería Civil en la Empresa Vivas Constructores S.A.S en el Área Técnico-Administrativo
    (Universidad Antonio Nariño, 2024-05-06) Gallo Cristancho, Jhoan Sebastian; Becerra Becerra, Erika Lorena
    development, especially in regions with seismic activity like Duitama, Boyacá. In this context, companies like "Vivas Constructores S.A.S" are faced with the challenge of ensuring the structural safety of their projects, strictly following the Colombian Regulation for Seismic Resistant Construction NSR-10. Additionally, with a constantly growing population, these companies must maintain a constant commitment to the quality and safety of their constructions. This commitment is reflected in the implementation of administrative and technical tasks that address various aspects of the construction process.
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    Apoyo en la gestión de proyectos viales de la Alcaldía de Sogamoso
    (Universidad Antonio Nariño, 2024-05-06) Daza Chaparro, Andres Felipe; Cuevas Valdeleon, Felix Javier; Becerra Becerra, Erika Lorena
    The document addresses an investigation to support the management of road projects in the Municipality of Sogamoso, with an emphasis on road network maintenance. It employs a mixed research approach combining qualitative and quantitative analyses, integrating theoretical knowledge with practical data related to road projects. The proposed methodology involves supervision and monitoring activities to ensure compliance with specifications in road projects. The aim is to comprehensively evaluate road network maintenance projects, demonstrating their conformity with specifications and providing information to enhance the effectiveness of future projects in Sogamoso.
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    Análisis de la metodología Scrum en gerencia de proyectos de construcción
    (Universidad Antonio Nariño) Agudelo Gallo, Emily Maryori; Villalba Avendaño, Diego Andres; Becerra Becerra, Erika Lorena
    The main purpose of this project is to study each of the advantages and compare the Scrum methodology with the traditional method. As time progresses, different types of proposals or methods are also implemented to improve the organization, duration and quality of the delivery of a construction project following their respective guidelines and requirements.
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    Análisis de la gestión de riesgos en proyectos de Ingeniería Civil aplicando la Inteligencia Artificial
    (Universidad Antonio Nariño) Alvarez Garnica, Jose Luis; Becerra Becerra, Erika Lorena; Cuevas Valdeleon, Felix Javier
    The development of this methodological research will be descriptive with a methodical approach, with the purpose of providing a broad and objective understanding of risk management in Civil Engineering projects through the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI). This compilation monograph promotes independent discussion and reflection, as suggested by Mario Bunge (1959). The objectives are oriented towards a detailed theoretical review on the application of AI in the management of Civil Engineering projects, revealing the attention of research on the integration of risks with AI in this field, with greater emphasis on other domains and fields of action.
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    Auxiliar de Ingeniería como apoyo en las actividades de la empresa Diseño U.A.O
    (Universidad Antonio Nariño) Alvarez Gomez, Sonia Yaneth; Manrique Espindola, Ramón
    This business practices report, prepared in the company Diseño (UAO), Urbanism, Architecture and Planning of the Municipality of Duitama Boyacá, offers advice in the preparation of architectural projects, structural designs and soil studies, offers its services and establishes total confidence and credibility with your clients. With the development of the internship, the objective of supporting the company's processes through field activities and covering the need for reports was achieved. The intern will provide clear support for activities such as the review of technical documentation and the final delivery of various contracts. To standardize soil and pavement survey reporting and processes by implementing activities such as supporting sample collection and preparation, these activities should be performed using mixed methods.
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    Apoyo desde la gestión técnico-administrativa en la empresa Cónsul Construcciones E&E S.A.S
    (Universidad Antonio Nariño, 2024-05-06) Baez Granados, Maria Alejandra; Becerra Becerra , Erika Lorena
    During the technical-administrative internship at the company Cónsul Construcciones E&E S.A.S., all the objectives established at the beginning of the internship were achieved. In addition, technical skills were developed thanks to the experience received and teamwork. The internship is considered an enriching experience that allows you to grow both personally and professionally, leaving a positive impact on the company. During the course of the internship, we had the opportunity to participate in various stages of the construction process of a social housing house. This included supporting different activities such as: project planning and design to supervision of on-site execution and management of material and human resources.
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    Demostración experimental de los fenómenos de consolidación y licuefacción en suelos típicos de Bogotá D.C.
    (Universidad Antonio Nariño) Doncel López, Brian Steev; Carmona Álvarez, July Estefany
    In order to perform the experimental demonstration of consolidation, settlement and liquefaction phenomena in typical soils of the city of Bogota and their response to the load provided. The characterization of the materials was developed, from which a scale model was built (1:100) with soils formed from Guamo sand and kaolin, related in different proportions and stratified in the model, to be affected by conventional structures in Bogotá D.C. From 40 years ago and buildings with current requirements, in a time of 8 weeks. The properties of the aggregates compared with the available theory were calculated, being able to argue settlements for current structures of up to 9 meters, evidencing the vulnerability to differential settlements, damage to neighboring structures and possible liquefaction. Finalizing with the development of teaching methods of "consolidation, settlements and liquefaction" for the subject of Geotechnics 1 of the Antonio Nariño University. Concluding with an efficient presentation of real phenomena at scale size (1:100) and definition of high impact variables, such as clays and pore pressure, water table and possible liquefaction
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    Prototipo De Mesa Vibratoria De Bajo Costo Para La Simulación Y Análisis De Condiciones De Sismo Dentro Del Laboratorio De Estructuras
    (Universidad Antonio Nariño) Sandoval Corredor, Oscar Damián; Osorio Bustamante, Edison
    The effects of earthquakes on structures have been a constant source of concern for university boards and structures departments at a national and global level, mainly in Colombia, where the presence of active volcanoes such as El Ruiz has the country in constant suspense. , since it has already caused world-famous catastrophes due to the number of lives lost. For this reason, for the Antonio Nariño University it is transcendental to provide its students with elements of judgment that facilitate, in practice, the understanding of the theoretical conceptualization, which allows the mitigation of the consequences of earthquakes on the structures.
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    Diseño y construcción de un prototipo mecánico para la modelación física de la actividad sísmica de la ciudad de Bogotá D.C basado en el estudio de microzonificación sísmica
    (Universidad Antonio Nariño) Garzon Gutierrez, Julieth Alejandra; Velasco Medrano, Eyner Alcides; Carmona Álvarez, July Estefany
    This research is based on the need for universities to develop new experimental methods with the aim of improving student learning in classrooms. Based on this, a vibrating table has been designed and built for simulating earthquakes in scaled structural models. This table has the capacity to represent the dynamics and behavior of structures when subjected to seismic movements. Its main purpose is to support the educational process of university students in related subjects, as well as in future research projects that require this tool. The design was carried out by means of a historical reconstruction of research from other institutions that use this type of tables and technological developments in their academic spaces. It has been found that numerous institutions, both nationally and internationally, employ this learning method. Not only vibrating tables are used, but also technologies like augmented reality, which allow for the verification of structures and materials, not only in the student realm but also in the professional sphere. Therefore, it is important to implement these technologies in educational institutions.
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    Pasantía Auxiliar De Ingeniería En El Área De Calidad De La Empresa Mhc Ingeniería Y Construcción De Obras Civiles S.A.S
    (Universidad Antonio Nariño) Payares Ordoñez, Karoly Melissa; Morales Rey, Alexandra
    The university currently has the professional practice option as a degree requirement, this to opt for the title of Civil Engineer. The practice will allow highlighting the five (5) years at the faculty. The main motivation is based on knowing the processes explained theoretically, bringing them to reality under exact and calculable foundations that allow us to understand the final reasons for the processes carried out.
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    Evaluación hidráulica en el sistema de captación en ACUALCOS E.S.P. ubicado en la localidad de Chapinero
    (Universidad Antonio Nariño) Pérez Vargas, Juan José; Morales Rey, Alexandra; Sierra Flórez, Didier Camilo
    This degree work teaches the hydraulic evaluation of the collection and pretreatment system of the ACUALCOS E.S.P drinking water treatment plant, located in the town of Chapinero, in the city of Bogotá Cundinamarca. Initially, visits are made to the different intakes that feed the plant, collecting data such as the measurements of the existing structures, the state in which they are located and the capacity they have to capture the flow required to supply the population. also analyzing the collection box of one of these and the sand trap through which the flow passes.
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    Propuesta De Creación De Consultorio Técnico En Ingeniería Civil En La Universidad Antonio Nariño: Un Modelo De Emprendimiento Académico
    (Universidad Antonio Nariño) Peñaloza Quintana, Jenny Carolina; Poveda, Efrén Hernán; Morales Rey, Alexandra
    This research aims to propose the creation of a Civil Engineering technical office at the Antonio Nariño University of Bogotá, with the purpose of strengthening the academic training and management skills of students in their final semesters and providing specialized services to both the community educational and social in general.
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    Construcción del Salón Comunal en la Vereda Santa Rosa del Municipio de Sibaté por la Secretaría de Infraestructura
    (Universidad Antonio Nariño) Avella Cipagauta, Brayan Esneider; Morales Rey, Alexandra
    In order to put into practice the knowledge acquired at the Antonio Nariño University, the internship is carried out at the Infrastructure Secretariat of the Mayor's Office of Sibaté, performing tasks as a supervisory assistant in activities linked to the field of study, including the supervision of works. , the preparation of weekly reports and material inventory control.
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    Caracterización de deficiencias estructurales en construcción de viviendas sismorresistentes en El Mirador, Ciudad Bolívar, Bogotá.
    (Universidad Antonio Nariño) Panqueva León, Angy Katherin; Osorio Bustamante, Edison
    The seismic vulnerability of a structure is the estimated damage, type of failure, and resistance capacity in the face of a probable earthquake magnitude that can occur due to the soil and tectonic conditions of the area. Given that the Mirador neighborhood is in Ciudad Bolívar, a town that has been populated without planning through informal settlements where the application of seismic regulations is lacking, despite the intermediate risk of the area and geological hazards, it is extremely important to determine the level of seismic vulnerability accurately to prevent significant material and human losses.