Ingeniería de sistemas


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    Desarrollo de un sistema de información web para la gestión y manejo de inventarios de la IPSI Outtajiapulee en Uribía la Guajira
    (Universidad Antonio Nariño, 2024-07-05) Almazo Epinayu, Leonardo; ALMAZO EPINAYU, LEONARDO; Torres Ladino, Omar Ernesto
    The project consists of developing a web-based information system for IPSI Outtajiapulee, with the aim of efficiently managing and controlling the inventory of products and supplies. The project will be carried out in 4 Sprints, using the Scrum methodology and free software tools such as Python, Django, and MySQL.
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    Desarrollo De Un Sistema De Información Para El Manejo De Inventarios De Productos Comercializados Por La Microempresa Paulacel, Ubicado En El Municipio De Maicao, La Guajira
    (Universidad Antonio Nariño) Carrillo Solano, Alber Jesús; Neme Prada, Dianalin
    Currently, the PAULACEL Microenterprise dedicated to the commercialization of spare parts and cell phone accessories is in increasing demand for the sale of its products, in what concerns its customer service operations, it operates normally despite all the economic difficulties. that have arisen due to changes in the market, such as the rise of the dollar and, in turn, a rise in the products that are marketed.
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    Plataforma web de apoyo para la asignación, entrega y calificación de guías y actividades para la Institución Educativa Internado Indígena San José de Uribia
    (Universidad Antonio Nariño) Herrera Rodríguez, Eduardo Antonio; Cambar Polanco, José David; Salamanca Azula, María del Pilar
    In educational institutions it is already a necessity to have virtual platforms so that students can access from home or wherever they are to download their digital support material for their activities during the school year. For this reason, the rector of the Intenado Indígena San José de Uribia Educational Institution was motivated to implement a web platform where the teacher uploads the course material and the students can access it digitally. This will reduce the cost of printing and photocopying support material. This document shows the development of an educational virtual platform for the reception of guides and activities of the school. The methodology used for the development was SCRUM.
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    Sistema de administración web de usuarios, para los pagos y registros de usuarios de la empresa Cybernet sistemas comunicaciones y redes
    (Universidad Antonio Nariño) Ramírez Arango, Yeferson Stiv; Escobar Guzmán, María Nury
    This document describes the operation of the Web Administration System of the CYBERNET company, from the way to access the application to the use of each of the functionalities.
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    Desarrollo de un sistema de gestión de relaciones con el cliente para la Empresa Said Group
    (Universidad Antonio Nariño) Mora Garzón, Claudia Viviana; Vargas Rivera, Yeison Fernando; Escobar Guzmán, María Nury
    The purpose of this project is the development of a system that, through a web interface divided into modules, allows to control the products and services provided by the company and the registration of customers quickly and easily, with the In order to improve the quality of the service and guarantee customer satisfaction, thereby avoiding economic losses to the company.
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    Aplicación móvil para entrenamiento, seguimiento y evaluación en medidas de seguridad de la información basada en la norma NTC - ISO /IEC 27001
    (Universidad Antonio Nariño) Moreno Vovoa, Martha Lizbeth; Rodriguez Suarez, Cesar Augusto
    For the Colombian Institute of Family Welfare (hereinafter ICBF), Regional Meta, it has been a vitally important need that those who participate in its activities have knowledge of the NTC- ISO / IEC 27001-2013 standard, which has been adopted by ICBF and is reflected in the information security policy manual.
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    Rediseño de la página web de la empresa eje cafetero tours en armenia (Quindío) y desarrollo de una app móvil para ofrecer planes y promociones
    (Universidad Antonio Nariño) Echeverri Tapias, Juan Guillermo; Escobar Guzmán, María Nury
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    Herramienta web para la gestión de inventario, usuarios, matrículas y mensualidades para el gimnasio gym platinum del municipio de Quimbaya Quindío
    (Universidad Antonio Nariño) Ortiz Prado, Nicolas; Cables Peréz, Elio
    The GYM PLATINUM gym is a recreation and sports company, located in the municipality of Quimbaya Quindío, which offers collective training classes personalized physique and sports supplements. This company had several shortcomings in the collection of registration documentation and monthly payments (lost documents and difficulties in the search for information) causing delays in weather. In addition, it did not have a record of the activities carried out by the trainers and muscle measurements of clients. It also featured problems in the stock of products and inventory of machines since it did not carry a registry. The main objective of this project was to develop a web tool for the management of users, inventory, registrations and monthly payments for the GYM PLATINUM gym. Responsive design technology was used in the web tool, to adapt to the size of different types of devices and was accessible from a web browser. This project is part of the internship that ran for 4 months and used the prototyping methodology evolutionary for software development.
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    Sistema de Promociones Administrado para Puntos de Venta (SPAV) para la empresa Allinos Pizza Rica S.A.S.
    (Universidad Antonio Nariño) Martinez Baron, Geovani Leandro; Salamanca, Maria del Pilar
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    Aplicativo web para el control de préstamos e inventarios de la biblioteca del colegio gimnasio cáceres
    (Universidad Antonio Nariño) Lozano Caceres, Miguel Andres; Conde Tique, Juan Guillermo; Escobar Guzman, Maria Nury
    The project presented in this document is the development of a web application for the Gimnasio Caceres school library, which allows control of loans, inventories and consultation of the books available for the entire educational establishment. With this application, the problems identified in the school library are solved, generated by the lack of inventory management, monitoring and control of the loan of books to students, teachers and directors of the institution. The scope of the project includes the user, loan and inventory management module that guarantees the development of different activities that are now systematized through this web application. For the implementation of the project, the agile SCRUM methodology was used, which is based on short development cycles and allows constant progress in each of the modules.
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    Aprendizaje musical rítmico con rhythme, tus primeros pasos musicales
    (Universidad Antonio Nariño) Rincón Montaña, Diana Paola; Rodríguez Camargo, Wilmer; Forero Romero, Wilson Javier
    This innovation project proposes the creation of a website that supports rhythmic musical learning in a population of children aged 4 to 12 years. The starting point of this work is music, considered during the passage of time as an essential tool for the understanding and perception of the environment by means of the senses, and that allows its interpretation and expression through diverse sounds. This is how the website "rhythmic musical learning with Rhythme, your first musical steps" is developed. This site, with a user-friendly graphical interface for the target population, includes concepts such as beat, speed, musical time and figures that are explained in a didactic way accompanied by multimedia support, this allows the child to understand these concepts. To support rhythmic learning, the website has a module that makes it possible to interact with different patterns, rhythms and speeds controlled by a keyboard or a multipad, giving the user a greater possibility to use these resources. To all this, the construction guide of a hardware component in Arduino with 4 pads is added that will serve to interact with the site, in addition to the presentation of the basic concepts of rhythm in multimedia format. The development of this project is based on an iterative model, which allows feedback and constant improvement of the website and all its functions.