Licenciatura en Artes Escénicas


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    Sistematización de la práctica profesional 1 y 2, desarrollo de una metodología de enseñanza para la danza del torbellino cundinamarqués en Adulto Mayor de la Casa de Cultura de Mosquera Cundinamarca durante el periodo 2022-2 y 2023-1
    (Universidad Antonio Nariño) Lara Pedraza, Ingrid Johanna; Nieves Gil, Angélica del Pilar
    The research project "Systematization of Professional Practice 1 and 2: development of a Teaching Methodology for the Cundinamarqués Whirlwind Dance in Older Adults of the Mosquera Culture House, Cundinamarca (2022-2 and 2023-1)" has as main objective the systematization of pedagogical experiences 1 and 2 carried out with the group of Seniors of the Mosquera House of Culture, this project focuses on the systematization and development of a teaching methodology for the Cundinamarca Whirlwind Dance, directed to older adults at the Mosquera Culture House, with the purpose of improving their physical and motor skills and quality of life, while investigating the emotions and expressions that arise during the practice.
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    Implementación de una estrategia didáctica en un grupo de educación media para generar experiencias significativas, a partir de 3 danzas tradicionales de Colombia.
    (Universidad Antonio Nariño) Mosquera Cely, Gloria Yissel; Granados Mendoza, Ángela María
    During the final stage of her school life, the researcher noticed that her fellow classmates in high school at that time did not show interest or, in many cases, knowledge of some traditional dances of Colombia. Building upon this experience, a doubt now arises in this case: what didactic strategy could work for students to engage with the traditional dance of their country, taking into account the environment that surrounds them and viewing dance as a creator of social connections.
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    Del Botuto al joropo Sistematización de los procesos de enseñanza de la danza criolla y espectáculo de la región llanera colombiana con la corporación alma llanera en Orocué-Casanare en el periodo 2023
    (Universidad Antonio Nariño) Jiménez Rodríguez, Ivonne Dayanna; Rodríguez Ramírez, Edwin Johanni
    This document arises from the curiosity to understand the dance expressions of the Colombian llanera region, with the focus of study being the Alma Llanera Corporation located in the department of Casanare, specifically in Orocué. The aim is to immerse oneself in the territory, capturing photographic and audiovisual records, conducting interviews, and keeping a logbook, all of which will enable the collection of information. This contextualization will be beneficial for those unfamiliar with the territory.
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    Coreografiando Mi Vida, Una Vida de Pasos
    (Universidad Antonio Nariño) Rodríguez Murillo, Miguel Andrés; Nieves Gil, Angélica del Pilar
    Choreographing my life: A life of Steps, is the research carried out as part of the culmination of the training process of Miguel Andrés Rodríguez Murillo in the Knowledge Validation project in the Bachelor of Performing Arts at the Antonio Nariño University. The research approach is qualitative, with a Life History methodology, whose general objective is to understand the configuration of the dancer-teacher duo based on the experiences lived by the author, as an interdisciplinary contribution to the field of dance teaching.
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    La práctica danzaria del Bambuco fiestero en candidatas y parejos oficiales en el marco del Festival y Reinado Nacional del San Pedro en el Espinal, Tolima en pos-pandemia, 2022.
    (Universidad Antonio Nariño) Hoyos Marín, Ana Sofía; Valero Rozo, Yuly Andrea
    This thesis systematizes the artistic experience to the current state of the tradition - EAPEAT- within the framework of the National Festival of San Pedro in Espinal in 2022, after two years in which it was not scheduled due to the COVID 19 pandemic, through the description and examination of the experiences, feelings of two candidates and two official partners for the National Reign of San Pedro in Espinal 2022 in a post-pandemic context, to identify how this influenced the current state of the dance tradition practice of the bambuco fiestero of San Pedro in Espinal, to reflect on the impact of the health emergency on this dance tradition festival.
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    De la escena a la trasescena. Elementos escenotécnicos propios para la producción de montajes artístico-pedagógicos en la Licenciatura en Artes Escénicas – UAN
    (Universidad Antonio Nariño) Osorio Aguirre, Juliana Estefanía; Pedraza Pachón, Fabio Leonardo
    The present work is the systematization of experience from the Diploma in Stagecraft and Theater Production 2022, with the objective of proposing stagecraft tools applicable in artistic-pedagogical productions in the Bachelor of Performing Arts at the Antonio Nariño University. The aim is to identify the scenic elements from the learning of the diploma, apply this knowledge in the production "Enigma Carnival" with the seventh semester students, and analyze the importance of the didactics of scenic engineering in the training of future master artists. This work culminates with the implementation of knowledge in the creation of a set design for the play.
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    Sistematización de mi experiencia como maestro artista en la puesta en escena: Un Beso De Dick, obra del teatro colombiano con enfoque en el respeto por la diversidad sexual y de género
    (Universidad Antonio Nariño) Vargas González, Daniel Mauricio; Pedraza Pachón, Fabio Leonardo
    The present thesis aims to document the process experienced through participation as a performer in the staging of 'Un beso de Dick,' a play in Colombian theater based on the book by Bogotá writer Fernando Molano. This production emphasizes respect for sexual and gender diversity. The thesis intends to create a reflective account of the experiences of the teacher, artist in training, and other participants involved in the play, including actors, actresses, and the director of the latest seasons of the performance. The ultimate goal is to generate pedagogical strategies contributing to the creation of theatrical productions focusing on sexual and gender diversity. Consequently, this contributes to the visibility and advocacy for LGBTQ+ individuals within Antonio Nariño University and society.
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    “Jugando, soltando y riendo el miedo vamos disminuyendo” Sistematización de los juegos teatrales implementados con el grupo de preadolescentes de la Fundación Levántate y Anda
    (Universidad Antonio Nariño) Parra Flórez, Karen Daniela; Valero Rozo, Yuly Andrea
    This thesis is about the systematization of the theatrical games made by the artist teacher in training, made from April to October of 2023, where it worked with the group of preadolescents between 9 to 12 years old, "Centauros", who were presenting high level of shyness. After the problem's identification we start with the postulate ¿what impact have the theatrical games have on the social emotion of shyness on preadolescents between 9 to 12? Therebefore, a virtual primer was designed with the pedagogic didactics used to develop their body expression and leave the scare of talking in public, by creating a safe environment where they could play, explore, and communicate
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    Memorias de Cajicá rural: Relatos e historias de una Cajicá rural
    (Universidad Antonio Nariño) Salamanca Becerra, María José; Jiménez Gutiérrez, Martha Lucía
    The present systematization is based on the experience that the master artist in training had together with the dance group of the Club Golden Age and the study of dance manifestations when the municipality of Cajicá was rural, where through stories and stories shared by older adults, some cultural and dance manifestations that the municipality had were identified and likewise an analysis and classification of these is carried out with the help of the classification given by Curt Sachs
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    Las Fábulas de Manuel Zapata Olivella: Estrategia didáctica para la sana convivencia.
    (Universidad Antonio Nariño) Joya Rozo, Dayhanna; Jiménez Gutiérrez, Martha Lucía
    This work is based on voluntary pedagogical practices with the children's group of the Artistic and Cultural Foundation Son de mi Tierra, located in the city of Bogota, in the district of Ciudad Bolivar. Where through theatrical games, understanding and reading of the Fables of Tamalameque by Manuel Zapata Olivella, contributes to conflict resolution, for a healthy coexistence in that organization. In this systematization, the phases for the development of a significant experience of Oscar Jara are taken, starting from the starting point where the children actively participate in the experience and concludes by showing how the games and the fables contributed in a significant way to the coexistence of the children of the aforementioned foundation
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    EAPEAT al Carnaval de Barranquilla: tras las huellas de los Diablos Arlequines de Sabanalarga
    (Universidad Antonio Nariño) Valencia Guerreros, Lilian Daniela; Nieves Gil, Angélica del Pilar
    The present work is a systematization of the artistic-pedagogical experience to the current state of the tradition of the Carnival of Barranquilla 2023, which has as a focus of inquiry the artistic and historical particularities of the patrimonial dance of the Diablos Arlequines de Sabanalarga, this manifestation have been important in the development of a festival as the Carnival of Barranquilla and in the same way for the representation of this abroad
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    El teatro como lenguaje artístico y social para dialogar frente a las violencias basadas en género en el marco del XXXII Festival de Mujeres en Escena por la Paz
    (Universidad Antonio Nariño) Ávila Olarte, Juana Valentina; Pedraza Pachón, Fabio Leonardo
    Colombia has been a country that has been involved in an armed conflict (CEV, 2022) But violence is not limited only to rifles; As a society we have normalized deaths, discrimination, individualism, lack of tolerance and other problems that do not allow us that total peace that we so long for. Among the problems mentioned above are gender-based violence of which the majority of women have been victims (CEV, 2022). Due to the capitalist and sexist system in which we become accustomed to living, it is increasingly difficult to generate resistance actions against this violence. As a result of what was mentioned above, this research project arises, which takes the experiences of teachers, actresses, directors, playwrights and artists who meet at the Festival of Women on Stage for Peace (FMEP) in its thirty-second version held in the city of Bogota from August 4 to 13, 2023, to exhibit their artistic presentations, share their experiences and debate issues that concern us as women and as an important part of society
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    Encerrando almas bajo una sombra inesperada: Sistematización de la experiencia artístico-pedagógica en la ciudad de Cali – Valle del Cauca, en el curso danza Costa Pacífica periodo 2020-1 a inicios de la pandemia COVID-19.
    (Universidad Antonio Nariño) Ortiz Puentes, Christian David; Nieves Gil, Angélica del Pilar
    This degree work seeks to base the process lived in the Experience Artistic-Pedagogical to the Current State of Tradition (EAPEAT) held in the city of Cali - Valle del Cauca, in the Pacific Coast dance subject period 2020-1, in the pandemic context COVID-19, with the purpose of creating a reflective memory of the experience lived by the master artists in training As well as leaving a precedent in the institution of that experience carried out in the framework of critical events for humanity.
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    El Circo un Sueño que se volvió una profesión, historia de vida de David Ortiz Amaya
    (Universidad Antonio Nariño) Ortiz Amaya, David Fernando; Nieves Gil, Angélica del Pilar
    This work presents the story of David Ortiz Amaya, a circus artist and trainer in the municipality of Chía, through the narration of the main episodes that shaped the path he currently follows: the Circus. The focus of this qualitative research, using the Life History methodology, consisted of gathering information about David Ortiz's training process and artistic journey, focusing on two main categories: "Circus Artist and Clown" and "Clown Pedagogy and Juggling." It also aims to highlight the importance of life history in the academic context of the Circus and the relevance of Clown pedagogy and juggling in the training of new artists.
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    Convergencias, una pedagogía para la creación escénica: fragmentos de la historia de vida del coreógrafo Marx Michele Cárdenas
    (Universidad Antonio Nariño) Cárdenas Casallas, Marx Michele; Nieves Gil, Angélica del Pilar
    The research presents the reconstruction of the life story of Marx Michele Cárdenas Casallas, in the light of the experiential, artistic and formative components, taking as a focus the analysis of the creative process of the dance staging Agresivos Inocentes. The work documents these experiences at the same time that conceptually raises the categories of analysis between the interpretation and the dramaturgy of dance.
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    Inmersión cultural Historia de una profesora de danzas
    (Universidad Antonio Nariño) Alvarado Prada, Helena Patricia; Arenas Vanegas, Astrid Carolina
    Cultural immersion "History of a dance teacher" is an autobiographical research project that collects my personal and social experiences as a teacher and artist, known in my artistic environment as the teacher Helena Patricia Alvarado Prada. For this purpose and according to methodology, the narrative of the project does not focus simply on telling anecdotes, but is developed in order to generate a better understanding of an important questioning regarding the reflective and critical contribution of the experience lived by a teacher of dances with respect to the social context in which the work of artists is developed in a local context of Bogotá.
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    Fragmentos de una Artista y Formadora de Bailarines en Riohacha, La Guajira
    (Universidad Antonio Nariño) Díaz Berty, Yennys Patricia; Jiménez Gutiérrez, Martha Lucía
    This document compiles important parts of Yennys Diaz Berty's life as a singer, dancer, coreographer and trainer in the city of Riohacha, calling it "Fragments of an Artist and Trainer of Dancers in Riohacha, La Guajira". The life history is part of the qualitative research methods. This methodology is based on the interpretative analysis of the artistic pedagogical experience, and it is and is propitiated at the Antonio Nariño University in the bachelor's degree in Performing Arts with the Convalidation of Knowledge program.
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    La resistencia y la fe mueven los cuerpos, la historia de Carlos Alberto Estacio, la vida de un bailarín de salsa en la ciudad de Cali
    (Universidad Antonio Nariño) Estacio Tunja, Carlos Alberto; Rodríguez Ramírez, Edwin Johanni
    This document collects the parallel tales about the life story of Carlos Alberto Estacio as a product of a qualitative approach research using a descriptive/explanatory methodology. Therefore, the information presented below was collected through interviews, and documents supported by photos, newspaper clippings, magazines, and certifications. The recollection of information depended on actors like family members, dance colleagues, priests, nuns, teachers, and Carlos` students.
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    Caleidoscopio Reflexivo: Una Narrativa Visual Del Montaje Conjunto Lili Blue Y Sus Hermanos
    (Universidad Antonio Nariño) Vanegas Méndez, Jenny Marcela; Rodríguez Ramírez, Edwin Johanni
    The present work consists in a systematization that takes the experience living while the collective mounting based on the dramatic work Lilli Blue y sus hermanos, by Colombian author Misael Torres; nevertheless the analytic approach will not be put about the aspects own the performance itself, as the technical or the dramaturgic adaptation, but about the experience of the subjects and them bodies, the intersubjectivity that they play and the possibilities that trough the final tool combine in a reflective learning, considering the memory in an esthetic key. literary optic of Milan Kundera and his struggle against the forgot. As a frame of development it
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    Memoria de la trayectoria artística y pedagógica de Jaime Eduardo Duran Reyes en el ámbito de la música y la danza tradicional colombiana
    (Universidad Antonio Nariño) Durán Reyes, Jaime Eduardo; Jiménez Gutiérrez, Martha Lucía
    As a qualitative research based on the analysis and interpretation of the artistic and pedagogical experience, this document is the result of the crossed accounts of the life story of Jaime Eduardo Durán Reyes as an artist and trainer in the field of traditional Colombian music and dance. For the development of this research, the main objective is to systematize the life experience from his trajectory and the context in which he has exercised his artistic practices and his processes as a teacher, it is theoretically supported under three categories of analysis: musical training, dance training and teaching-learning processes.