Artes plásticas y visuales


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    Construcción de un cuerpo libre de pecados
    (Universidad Antonio Nariño) Caicedo Galeano, Sergio Andrés; Vera Rivera, Luz Adriana
    "Construction of a Sin-Free Body" is a multimedia and transdisciplinary research and creative project aimed at creating a visual and plastic exhibition. Through various artistic mediums such as anecdotal writing, photography, installation, sculpture, video, and performance, this project seeks to demonstrate the liberation of my non-binary body and identity through art.
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    Expresiones del ser mujer en el arte contemporáneo colombiano: Una aproximación a las obras de Julieth Morales, Karen Paulina Biswell y Carmenza Banguerra
    (Universidad Antonio Nariño) Reyes Porras, Paula Andrea; Caceres Machuca, Gygiola
    The objective of this research is to identify and analyze some expressions of femininity from the plastic and visual production of three Colombian artists: Julieth Morales, Karen Paulina Biswell and Carmenza Banguerra whose works are part of the Art Collection of the Banco de la República between the years 2015–2022.
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    A campo cerrado: Bultos y canastillas
    (Universidad Antonio Nariño) Mediorreal Niño, Laura Daniela; Vidal Rubiano, René Alejandro
    This project brings together each of the stages, including research and a portion of the files related to artistic exploration and conceptual reflections. Titled 'In Closed Field: Bundles and Baskets,' it consists of an illustrated album, an artist's book, three installations, and an academic paper. This work addresses the notion of inhabiting through a process of research-creation in the Ubaté market square. Spaces of memory, daily life, and the knowledge inherent to the activities of the place are explored through various artistic languages, such as illustration and installation, thereby connecting the possibilities of contemporary artistic practices. The approach was carried out through three drifts, during which material was collected for the project's development through photographs, conversations, and surveys.
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    Morar en la memoria
    (Universidad Antonio Nariño) García Barrera, Angela Liliana; Vidal Rubiano, René Alejandro
    Through this monograph, the project Morar en la memoria is presented, it is the writing that shows how the visual artist assumes ways of practicing formal languages ​​and allows them to be expanded by crossing those limits between two-dimensionality and three-dimensionality. It shows the development of a proposal where the painting expands through the installation of the constituencies of the contextualized object, the aim is to provide experiences in so-perceptu which allows the memory to be detonated through the activation of the senses.
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    Abrazando el ciclo entre texturas y colores
    (Universidad Antonio Nariño) Cadena Panche, Alida Yunnan; Caceres Machuca, Gygiola
    Abrazando el ciclo entre texturas y colores is a research-creation project that arises from a concern related to the pain caused by menstruation and the impact it generates on people's emotions and psychological states. The project addresses a series of questions that arise in plastic action and poetic writing where relevant reflections are channeled to give way to a personal catharsis.
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    Hierba entre las grietas
    (Universidad Antonio Nariño) Arenas Preciado, Julian Andres; Vera Rivera, Luz Adriana
    The essay "Grass Between the Cracks" explores the relationship between culture, identity and space through an artistic proposal. Use the metaphor of Pandora's box to introduce the art project, which seeks to explore the objects and signs present in the daily life of the city ​​of Bogota. Inspired by the idea that the objects and configurations that arise in the domestic environment carry with them an emotional charge, I decided to analyze patterns of habits and singularities found in representative places.
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    Manifiesto Creación
    (Universidad Antonio Nariño) Gallo Perez, Diego Alejandro; Hinojosa Parra, Rita Paulina
    Recognize creation as a journey in life; being so we cannot ignore our single presence in space. Everything is affected in time and space from the most seemingly insignificant. For example: the place that we occupy inside a store, square, social group, will always be affected by our presence, even if it is only arrange to remain silent.
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    El Otro Lado de la Rosa
    (Universidad Antonio Nariño) Pineda Cortes, Daniel Hernando; Caceres Machuca, Gygiola
    The Other Side of the Rose is a creation project in plastic and visual arts. It presents an installation made up of photographic images and some objects that allude to the recognition of an identity in transformation.
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    Notas Poéticas Corporales
    (Universidad Antonio Nariño) Cruz Lozano, Julieth Daiana; Gil, Norman
    This writing is part of a reflective study on emotions and their place in the body, It is divided into two parts, where the first summarizes the basic concepts of the project such as the site of emotions, their impact on the body, their origin and synthesizes a theoretical study on emotional conditions on health and life usually. The second part contains anecdotal descriptions of the plastic processes that were given thanks to the curiosities about the emotions in the body, the affectivity, the vulnerability, the construction of individuals, time and their subsequent development in the work Body Poetic Notes. This segment linearly narrates the process and discoveries that occurred in the middle of the elaboration and exhibition of part of the work.
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    La manzanita podridita
    (Universidad Antonio Nariño) Rodriguez Avila, Omar; Moreno, Jesus
    The foundations of the research are social criticism that starts from the feeling of indignation at facts of the ignored daily context, and the second axis is sarcasm as a valid means of artistic expression to raise axes of critical thought. In turn, the axes are linked from the treatment of the image in the audiovisual media, suggesting that the work has the capacity for massive propagation and resonance. Even the possible sequels left by the project due to the variety of its format and the axes of reflection that are addressed.
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    Cafeina-Mateina, La presencia del café y el mate en la vid cotidiana
    (Universidad Antonio Nariño) López Bautista, Paula Andrea; Hinojosa Parra, Rita Paulina
    In other words, a reality is built from the collective interactions of everyday life; based on knowledge, beliefs, norms. A representation can become a perception of a concrete concept that is present in the minds of all people. Thus the observation and appropriation of two interactions located in the cultures of Colombia and Argentina, represented in the consumption of two traditionally used stimulating drinks configure a thematic approach to the project and lead to the imaginary of creation of work in order to create from the experiences acquired compositions that unite these two cultures by making them one through the form and the image. Where the senses allow a journey based on experiences acquired towards the path of integration as an ethnographer. The concern of formulating CAFFEINE-MATEINE was born, as the name of my creation research project. This project idea arises from the acquired own experiences allowed thanks to the continuous integration in two cultures; in this case of Colombia as a native country and Argentina as a country of origin. new encounters of knowledge acquired from everyday life. exploring various materials such as clay, plasticine, flour, soap, photography, video, animation, performance.
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    (Universidad Antonio Nariño) Arias Gil, Nicolas Camilo; Hinojosa Parra, Rita Paulina; Vidal Rubiano, Rene
    The realization of a visual plastic proposal that accounts for the formation academic that you have, faces many possibilities to those who want to take it to After all, it is in fact a recognition in a continuous evolution, where the productions or plastic exercises that in the academic field and within a study plan are have done, present difficulties on some occasions, or on the other hand acquire sense, in one way or another, learn to dominate the multiple activities to which being subjected to a plastic and visual artist implies facing situations adversaries, but if one is able to assume with attitude, dedication and why not, with the aptitude you have, will allow you to learn to carry out an activity that gives account and that implies professional fidelity. For the development of this project several ideas have been had, it has been racked by various concepts, speculations and doings, has been considered from the hyperreal, the pop, kitsch among others; from painting to installation; from random to the rational, in short, in this coming and going, there comes a time, in which, by way of self-recognition, it is decided to address material constructions that precede the academic, that is, we want to give meaning to a work that has already been several years ago, are some works in porcelain and polymer clay that they discover a particular aesthetic and give an account of what is seen and how it is. IT IS to pose and juxtapose in the elaboration in a creative and imaginary way the game itself fluently that has influenced speaking from childhood to the present presenting a narrative.
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    Una Realidad Aparte_desde el color
    (Universidad Antonio Nariño) Sanchez Bernal, Nicolas; Hinojosa Parra, Rita Paulina
    "Many discuss rumba, and they don't even know what cumbia or guaguancó is" Ismael Miranda sings to us, while he asks, listen to his guaguancó. Who knows if he has, or no, reason in his "fight"!; just like me: the fight and the brawl, I don't need it. What I emphasize, it is his will to confront the need to understand what is being done. The origin. Leaving salsa, from being a purely musical theme, to invite us to understand what we hear. Later, if we can give each other a fist, a slap and a stick. Thus, taking as an example what Miranda sung, I think: What should I talk about, and not? What is truly important to me? And I see this question of origin, which It reminds me of Martí when he said: “Doing is the best way to say”; and so diluted that what is truly important, at this moment in my life, is in the PAINTING, originally in me; and that the best way to say, about this doing, is not start painting to show… no. And is that what to do to find the best way to say, what do I understand by PAINTING? Well this: write. And not as a writer, but as a painter. So whoever, for whatever reason, is reading what is written here; tell that these are my concerns; product of the experiences lived, since I entered in the paint. Because concerns are the ones that occupy the entire text; being this, the making-place, which I chose to reflect on. They are my wishes, and my wishes are for you PAINTWORK. So feel free to read me however you want, wherever you are, and with the same freedom with which I wrote all this.
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    (Universidad Antonio Nariño) Rosado Jerez, Alberto Elias; Gil Reyes, Norman Esteban
    The heritage of the weaving of the traditional Kankuama backpack, whose knowledge was transmitted for generations within my family circle, brings with it countless stories, of oral tradition, which set in me the desire to unveil this knowledge of the environment inhabited by those who they preceded me In equal measure, moving to the City of Bogotá implies the acquisition of an identity conditioned by the social dynamics of the city; Faced with this constant process of alienation, I ask myself simultaneously about the before and after, my memories and knowledge, and in this constant questioning I suspect both of one and the other. Therefore, the need arises to go back to the environment and seek in it a critical and reflective analysis regarding weaving and random provocation: weaving as Las Moiras do, or better yet, as my Great-grandmother did; to be able to find in that vital act the consolidation of the self.
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    Tejidos que andan
    (Universidad Antonio Nariño) Perilla Lizarazo, Nasly Tatiana; Hinojosa de Parra, Rita; Vidal Rubiano, René Alejandro
    In the first place, the intention is to start an exploratory and experimental journey within the training as a Master in Fine Arts, to reach the point of an artistic creation, which is a sensitive manifestation of a way of reading and experiencing the notion of weaving more Beyond what as a job and later as a game, gave a lot to think about, and here I reveal myself in a personal way, in a turn of possibilities towards the social fabric, a complex concept, which can also be understood from reflection on daily life and the interpersonal relationships; and of course, complete the academic training as a teacher in Fine Arts in which I give myself as I am.
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    Entre ausencia y presencia
    (Universidad Antonio Nariño) López Parra, David Stiven; Gil Reyes, Norman Esteban
    This project is part of the material relevant to the work of grade to opt for the title of master in fine arts and Visual of the Antonio Nariño University. This material involves an academic text (this text), a book artist, and an exhibition. Between Absence and Presence, is an academic text of research-creation, which investigates, from contemporary artistic practices, the relationship between life and death, through the presence of my mother. Its structure orders the different moments that the artistic project goes through; at first it feeds on the log; a travel journal that records reflexive gestures and some poetic texts. In the second moment, images of art and history are analyzed, in addition to genealogical photographs; a third moment is the creation of a laboratory, exercise of external observation, and fourth phase the final materialization. From a personal perspective, outlining multiple definitions of a chair; a space, a body, a road, a sound or a presence, concepts and meeting points between figure mother, my father, and the Act of walking, part of the process of my artistic practice. Continue the resulting definitions above categories, each category deals with personal reflections and images type historical, genealogical, and memory, introduced as related artistic and historical scenarios. Shows plastic gestures and reflections: an approach to materials, drawings, photographs, or sound pieces that become of inquiries. Finally; as a result of the performed process, define the approach of the creation and realization of the plastic work.
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    Sobre la piel del otro
    (Universidad Antonio Nariño) Guzmán Miranda, Laura; Hinojosa de Parra, Rita
    These have been times of contemplation, of curious glances, of discovery of the skin of the "other", of pause that in the end becomes observation. It is then that the mark that has already made its way onto the canvas that was constituted by the skin, emerges from that skin that I observe, like a story of signs and reliefs. It is to establish a dialogue with these traces that, like scars, speak of the past, and from a reading that discovers the hidden stories, they motivate me to think of other forms that accompany their presence. There is also a stage of voices, you can hear the one that carries the mark, with an account of the events that made it possible, but also somehow you can hear the voice of the mark, where the image is word.