Análisis multitemporal de la temperatura superficial de áreas degradadas y de reserva forestal del municipio de Zipaquirá

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Analysis of the variability of the surface temperature of the areas degraded by agricultural use and the forest reserve areas of the municipality of Zipaquira using images from the MODIS sensor, which make inadequate use of the land and impact the ecosystem services of the forest reserve protective guará moor and green lagoon; the integrated management districts páramo de guerrero and páramo de guargua and laguna verde; and the forest reserve area of ​​pantano round and the source of the Río Susagua. from the analysis of the variation in surface temperature in degraded areas for agricultural use (D) , and the reserve zones (R) of the municipality of Zipaquirá, it is concluded that these two zones have significant differences in surface temperature, with the agricultural use zones always presenting higher temperatures than the reserve zones, since factors that promote warming were observed. of these surface as the disappearance of the vegetal layer, which mitigates the effects of solar radiation.