Relación entre maloclusión, forma del cóndilo y postura corporal en niños mediante una revisión literaria, año 2020.

Universidad Antonio Nariño
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Introduction: The biomechanics between dental occlusion, condyle shape and body posture has generated a growing interest on the subject; because of the different interrelations between them and because postural problems have been observed in patients with malocclusion. At present, malocclusions are present in the child population, which trigger consequences at the functional and aesthetic level, that with the passage of time bring variations on the temporomandibular joint that are characterized by pain, dysfunction of the masticatory system and tend to cause alterations in dental occlusion. Objective: To establish the relationship betweenmalocclusion, shape of the condyle and body posture in children through a literary review in the year 2020. Methodology: Thirty-four articles from databases such as Pubmed, Mediagraphic, Scielo, Scopus and Dialnet were used. Fourteen of these articles were selected for the descriptive narrative literature review research, where the variables of the study, as well as the inclusion and exclusion criteria were taken into account. Results: It was possible to show that all the studies that related the variable of dental malocclusion and body posture had a significant relationship when one of these was altered and, therefore, are associated with each other. Regarding the shape of the condyle, no studies were found where there was any relationship with dental malocclusions and body posture, they only related it to temporomandibular dysfunctions and condyle asymmetries. Conclusions: From the research conducted, it was concluded that the prevalence of malocclusions is significant in each study reviewed and that indeed any imbalance in the oral cavity influenced the body posture of patients. The postural alterations that were most prevalent in the studies reviewed, related to dental malocclusions were scoliosis associated with dental class II and lordosis to a lesser extent associated with dental class I. As for the analysis of the shape of the mandibular condyle, it was not possible to find a relationship with malocclusions and body posture due to the lack of studies and scientific evidence. It was simply possible to observe different shapes such as round,flattened, convex or angulated and whether or not there was symmetry in comparison with dysfunctions in the temporomandibular joint.