Asociación de dislalias y maloclusiones dentales en niños de 5 a 14 años mediante una revisión sistemática de la literatura, año 2020.

Universidad Antonio Nariño
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Introduction. The harmony of the dental atmosphere is important because it influences the posture, accommodation of the tongue when we speak and the quality of the articulation of the phonemes. Once the malocclusion is established, it will affect the function, which will produce failures of the speech or dyslalia, especially in the point of articulation of the phonemes. It is important the relationship that is established between dental occlusion and phonetic alterations. In childhood the process of language acquisition and dental replacement is present. Objective. Identify the association of dental dyslalia and malocclusions in children from 5 to 14 years old through a systemic review of the 2020 literature. Methodology. Systematic review of the literature where the formulation of the problem is specified, the importance of describing the content of this study is highlighted, and the guiding questions are formulated according to PICOT's strategy, the articles that answer the guiding questions and meet the inclusion criteria were selected, These articles were selected from databases such as PubMed, Scielo, ScienceDirect and Medigraphic restricted to the languages of English, Spanish and Portuguese, discriminating the years of publication leaving a margin of seven years to date, appropriate descriptors were selected for the databases investigated. Results. There is a close relationship between malocclusions and dyslalias, also, that these often influence the malocclusions and the last ones always aggravate the bad phonetic articulations. The open bite is strongly associated to disorders in the pronunciation of phonemes and according to the results, the 75,8% of patients who present previous open bite present dyslalias. Conclusion. It was identified that when the alterations in the organs involved in the production, transmission or reception of language affect their structure or function, the articulatory capacity for the production of phonemes is reduced, causing alterations in the speech. It was identified that when the alterations in the organs involved in the production, transmission or reception of language affect their structure or function, the articulatory capacity for the production of phonemes is reduced, causing alterations in speech. According to the systematic review, it can be concluded that most of the literature consulted postulates that there exists a relationship between dental malocclusion and dyslalia, with the most associated anomaly being open bite.