Causas que inciden en el maltrato infantil familiar de niños cuyas edades oscilan entre los 4 y 8 años del barrio Miraflores de la ciudad de Quibdó en el año 2020

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Universidad Antonio Nariño
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Child abuse is a social problem that has always existed, it occurs in all social classes or ethnic groups. The number of children who are victims of child violence is increasing, especially in homes, where the aggressors are the parents themselves and also people who live under the same roof. Many of the family members become silent aggressors or accomplices of the various forms of abuse: physical, psychological, sexual and neglect, all of them hidden in the child population, usually coming from disorganized homes, where they do not settle rules, limits, hierarchies of different family groups at risk and poverty. (Moreno Manso, 2002) In this research, when analyzing the type of family of each child, we found that the majority of the children, 39% have an extended or consanguineous family, 15% have a dysfunctional family, 23% have a single parent family, and the 23% have a nuclear or elemental family. Extended or consanguineous family: it is composed of more than one nuclear unit as long as they live under the same roof, it extends beyond two generations and is based on the blood ties of a large number of people, including parents, children , grandparents, uncles, aunts, nephews, cousins, etc. In this way, children are not only mistreated by their parents but in most cases by close relatives, in this type of family it is where there are most cases of neglect and sexual abuse. 88 According to the data produced by the survey carried out in this research, it should be noted that the majority of the families surveyed have a type of extended or consanguineous family. It is important to mention that many of the parents did not know what type of family they had, much less how it was classified, according to the theories exposed in the theoretical framework on the types of families, they were explained the types of family that may exist within the characteristics that they show in their homes, according to this it can be analyzed that in the Miraflores neighborhood there are 4 types of family according to the data revealed by the investigation. Regarding psychological abuse in our study, the 20 children surveyed are victims of different forms of psychological abuse (insults, lack of communication, rejection, threats, yelling, among others).