Medición de niveles séricos de glucosa y su relación con la presentación de diabetes mellitus en caninos criollos de 5 a 7 años en 3 clínicas veterinarias de la ciudad de Popayán

Universidad Antonio Nariño
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The presentation of hyperglycemia in dogs is quite common and is a product of various causes, for this reason, the objective of this work is to establish a relationship with the presence of hyperglycemia and some predisposing factors of this, with the early manifestation of Diabetes Mellitus (DM). Thus, the veterinarian also needs a clinical examination, the medical and genetic history of the pet, in order to determine if such a high blood glucose presentation is pathological. Therefore, in this work by taking serum glucose by means of glucometer AlphaTrak Zoetis, the existence of hyperglycemia will be related to specific data such as: Physical activity of the animal, its body condition and that are between the age range of the animals. 5 to 7 years; This is because they are part of the main characteristics associated with DM disease. Now, since DM is a subclinical disease, there is no way to confirm its presentation in an accurate way, because when it is diagnosed they do it through the anamnesis, counting on specific data such as the animal's lifestyle and age; and some clinical signs such as polyuria, polydipsia, polyphagia, weight loss, among others. This is why it is very important to achieve an opportune diagnosis of this disease before it reaches its critical point, which will have a negative influence, causing cataracts among many other consequences and affecting the quality of life of the animal.