Sistema de información para la gestión de inventarios, ingresos y egresos de la Droguería Segen G&R

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The company DROGUERIA SEGEN G&R is a growing organization, strategically located in the Betania neighborhood of the city of Bogotá, whose product warehouse is constantly updated, since it requires registering new products, or withdrawing them for reasons of sale or upcoming expiration . But, as the Facility Manager has commented, such tasks require extensive manual verification. In turn, it is not possible to carry out a correct monitoring of the sales made, due to the software that it currently has, since, despite being expensive, it presents inconsistencies in the information it records. Reason why, a software capable of responding to the unique needs of the business was developed, starting with the deficiencies of the previous system. It was necessary to establish a module in charge of the information corresponding to the management of inventories, being part of this, the control of expiration dates, it was also necessary to carry out the control of user access and record of sales made. For this, a methodology focused on monitoring specific stages was implemented, which are; requirements survey, conceptual model, navigational model, abstract interface model and implementation. This based on the OOHDM methodology.