

Recent Submissions

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    La Inteligencia Emocional en el aprendizaje de los estudiantes de enfermería en las prácticas clínicas
    (Universidad Antonio Nariño) Páez Ávila, Lisette Yamile; Rincón Álvarez, Daniel Andrés
    The present work entitled: emotional intelligence in the learning of nursing students in clinical practices, had the objective of: Describe Emotional Intelligence in the learning of nursing students in clinical practices; Its methodological design was based on a narrative literature review using the Whittemore and Knafl method taking into account each of its 5 stages: Likewise, the PRISMA flow chart was used. Within the national and international scope, 9 articles in total were obtained, as a result of the different filters that met the inclusion criteria; Likewise, it was possible to simplify, visualize, compare, categorize, analyze and conclude the information clearly; Finally, 2 categories were established in emotional intelligence that are related to coping skills proposed by nursing; The first category was defined as academic ability, which emphasizes the inclusion of EI in the academy from the beginning of the career; The second category is identical as a relational skill that refers to a positive relationship between the teacher and student binomial
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    Experiencias emocionales frente a la vida profesional en estudiantes de último semestre del programa de enfermería
    (Universidad Antonio Nariño) Gonzalez Rojas, Natalia Vanessa; Herrera Díaz, María Daniela; Rodríguez Torres, Jefferson Giovanni; Olivos Ballesteros, Carlos Fernando
    This research is carried out in order to be able to analyze the emotional experiences presented by students facing the transition to professional life of the nursing faculty of the last semesters at the Antonio Nariño Beltway University, oriented by the public health research line , coexistence and mental health, in order to be able to diagnose the experiences presented by the students, this being important from the academic field since the mission of the faculty is primary health care and research to meet the needs of the community
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    Percepción sobre violencia obstétrica en mujeres gestantes de primer y segundo trimestre
    (Universidad Antonio Nariño) Velásquez Ortiz, Daniela; Rojas Valderrama, Diana Sofía; Morea Muñoz, Yery Soreli; Quintero Trujillo, Eliana María; Pedroza Sánchez, Laura Ximena
    Objective: Describing the perception of obstetric violence in women during the first and second trimesters of gestation in Neiva. Methodology: The descriptive qualitative approach was implemented so that it allowed us to know women's perceptions about obstetric violence during their first and second trimesters of pregnancy. In order to do so, in-person and open interviews were addressed with the objective of collecting information and detailed data that subsequently was transcribed and coded into categories and subcategories. Results: Diverse approaching strategies were implemented with the pregnant women, such as visual divulge, preparation courses for maternity and safe parenting, and phone calling. The sample was obtained implementing convenience sampling, which led to reaching data saturation. Among the results, it was noticed that all the participants lived in socioeconomic status 1 (the lowest grade) and were affiliated to the subsidized Healthcare system. Despite the fact that more than half of the interviewees had completed their secondary education, there was evidence of a generalized lack of knowledge about obstetric violence. It was possible to establish categories on the perception, association, types and forms of obstetric violence, which subsequently led to the creation of subcategories according to the manifestations of the gestants. Conclusion: Obstetric violence is a complex and multifaceted problem that can be difficult to address. Such difficulty comes from the fact that the target population lacks knowledge and understanding of this subject. It is important to communicate about obstetric violence and work to increase public awareness so that this problem can be effectively addressed and prevented.
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    Infecciones asociadas a la atención en salud en unidades de cuidado intensivo durante la pandemia por COVID 19, una revisión narrativa
    (Universidad Antonio Nariño) González Sáenz, Juan Sebastián; Gasca Sabala, Adriana Lucia; Pérez Bustos, Diana Alejandra; Humberto Villanueva, Angel
    Introduction: Healthcare-associated infections (HAIs) constitute an important public health problem worldwide; they also generate high costs for the healthcare system, affecting the quality of care. During the Covid-19 pandemic, many patients required hospitalization in intensive care units (ICU), showing a progressive increase in HAI reports. Objective: To describe, through a narrative review of the literature, healthcare-associated infections in adult ICUs during the Covid-19 pandemic. Methodology: A narrative review of the literature was carried out following the Whittermore and Knafl five-phase model. Searches were performed by constructing algorithms based on MeSH and DeSC terms linked by Boolean connectors in the Pubmed, ScienceDirect, LILACS and Scielo databases, identifying 3768 studies to which selection filters and eligibility criteria were applied, resulting in 9 studies for analysis. Results: Most were retrospective studies, published between 2020 and 2022. A total of 45539 patients were included, highlighting that male patients over 70 years of age with chronic comorbidities were the most affected by HAIs during their stay in the ICU. Infections were associated with the respiratory tract, urinary tract and bloodstream, with Staphylococcus aureus, Klebsiella pneumoniae and Enterococcus faecalis as the most prevalent etiologic agents. Conclusions: During the Covid-19 pandemic the number of patients requiring ICU increased, the presence of invasive devices for functional support, comorbidities and age represent risk factors for developing HAIs, Staphylococcus aureus, was the bacterium most associated with HAIs. Prevention strategies should be reinforced in ICUs.
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    Percepción de los estudiantes de enfermería frente a la interrupción voluntaria del embarazo(IVE) en relación con la nueva sentencia C-055.
    (Universidad Antonio Nariño) Aguirre Sánchez, Karen Vanessa; Callejas Pérez, Heidy Julieth; Facundo Sierra, Laura Camila; Acevedo Ninco, Yeymi
    Objective: To describe the perception of nursing students from the fifth to the eighth semester of the Antonio Nariño University regarding the Voluntary Interruption of Pregnancy in relation to the new Ruling C-055 of 2022. Methodology: Qualitative study of exploratory type. The collected information was transcribed and analyzed under the content analysis technique, where some emerging categories and finally some selective categories emerged. Results: 80% of the interviewees were women between 18 and 23 years old. The sentence was viewed positively, but not as a definitive solution, there was disagreement regarding the gestation period to terminate the pregnancy, and definitely education as a priority instrument to prevent unwanted pregnancies. Conclusion: The sentence grants the woman validity to her rights to make decisions in conditions of freedom about herself and about being a mother when she feels ready.
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    Comportamiento de la mortalidad por VIH/Sida en Colombia durante los años 2015 al 2020
    (Universidad Antonio Nariño) Cardona Patiño, Angie Juliethe; Perdomo Rivera, Aura Stefania; Barreiro Fajardo, María Paula; Acevedo Ninco, Yeymi
    To describe the behavior of HIV/AIDS mortality in Colombia during the years 2015 to 2020, taking into account sociodemographic variables such as sex, age, social security, marital status, educational level and department of death and residence, by calculating crude and adjusted rates
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    Características Epidemiológicas de Gestantes que presentaron Morbilidad Materna Extrema
    (Universidad Antonio Nariño) Parra Gomez, Erika Juliana; Jojoa Sapuy, Lina María; Maira Alejandra, Mateus Molina; Pedroza Sánchez, Laura Ximena
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    Determinación de síntomas depresivos en estudiantes adolescentes de una Institución Educativa
    (Universidad Antonio Nariño) Álvarez González, Mayra Lisette; Perdomo Cristancho, Saúl
    Depression in adolescents is a public health problem that has been increasing in recent years; therefore, the objective of this research is to describe the depressive symptomatology in adolescent students of an institution located in the rural area of the municipality of Ortega - Tolima.
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    Cuidados paliativos realizados por profesionales de enfermería en adultos con Esclerosis Lateral Amiotrófica (ELA)
    (Universidad Antonio Nariño) Borda Salazar, Laura Fernanda; Hernández Pinzón, Carolina
    To describe the palliative care provided by nursing professionals in adults with amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). Methodology: In this study, a narrative review of the literature was used, which was based on the five phases proposed by Whittemore and Knafl. During the evaluation and analysis phase of the data collected in the review, it was decided to create a matrix in Excel in order to facilitate the organization and processing of information.
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    Estrategias educativas de enfermería para el afrontamiento en madres, familiares y cuidadores de niños/as con malformaciones congénitas”
    (Universidad Antonio Nariño) Albarracín Mendivelso, Rosmira; Castelblanco Teatino, Deisy Viviana; Gómez Restrepo, Paola Andrea; Rincón Álvarez, Daniel Andrés
    Congenital diseases refer to any type of congenital disease that a neonate can present for various reasons. They may or may not be detected during pregnancy, but regardless of whether they are identified or presented as surprising news for the mother, father and relatives during childbirth, this news can generate different effects that can range from fear to economic difficultiesor the deterioration of family relationships.
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    Infección Tuberculosa Latente En Trabajadores De La Salud
    (Universidad Antonio Nariño) Velásquez Perdomo, Juan José; Saavedra Cantor, Carlos Julio
    Latent tuberculosis infection is defined as the immune response to Mycobacterium tuberculosis without clinical manifestations. Health workers carry out their work activities in services where there are occupational risk factors, such as the presence of patients infected with tuberculosis, health workers with infectious tuberculosis, work environments with lack of ventilation and lighting, among others.
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    Estrategias empleadas para el abordaje psicosocial de pacientes en rehabilitación post ACV desde el cuidado de enfermería.
    (Universidad Antonio Nariño) Vargas Guzmán, James Duván; Campo Castiblanco, Karen Tatiana; Porrello Pinzón, Eimy Saraí; Medellin Olaya, Judith
    Chronic diseases are one of the greatest challenges for the health system in the world, as they are the major cause of morbidity and mortality and disability. Stroke is a chronic disabling disease that negatively impacts the quality of life of the sufferer and affects mental health by generating psychosocial symptoms.
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    "Efectos Del Confinamiento Por Covid-19 En La Salud Mental De Los Estudiantes Universitarios: Una Revisión Narrativa De La Literatura"
    (Universidad Antonio Nariño) Ramos Ospina, Miryam Andrea; Ballesteros Olivos, Carlos Fernando
    The objective of this research is to describe the symptoms presented in university students during the mandatory confinement due to covid-19, to determine the strategies established by higher education institutions to provide both emotional and academic support to university students.
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    Conocimientos y prácticas frente al uso de métodos anticonceptivos en adolescentes de una comunidad indígena del municipio de Coyaima-Tolima.
    (Universidad Antonio Nariño) Ortiz Culma., Tania Alejandra; Leguizamón Carrillo., Juan Pablo; Guerrero García., Estefanía; Rodríguez Gómez, Villerland
    Adolescence is between the ages of 13 and 17, characterized by physical, psychological and social changes. This is an important stage because adult behaviors are beginning to be experienced and discovered, such as sexual activity and the exploration of risky behaviors such as the use of psychoactive substances. According to figures from the National Demographic and Health Survey (ENDS) 2015, Colombia obtains the highest rate of teenage pregnancy in the last 20 years, according to the results of the survey since there is evidence of an increase in households: in 2010 they were 9.5%, and by 2015 they represent 11.2%. The objective of this research is to describe the knowledge and practices regarding the use of contraceptive methods of the indigenous community of Zaragoza-Tamarindo in the municipality of Coyaima-Tolima.
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    Intervenciones de enfermería en el cuidado y manejo de pacientes oncológicos paliativos con lesiones cutáneas. Revisión narrativa de la literatura.
    (Universidad Antonio Nariño) Rodríguez Coneo, Karen María; Rodríguez Pulido, Jhon Fredy; Muñoz Olivar, Carolina
    This narrative review of the literature made it possible to determine the care interventions that the nursing professional should give to the patient in palliative condition with oncological lesions, to achieve this, a search for a series of investigations was carried out, such as articles and degree theses that show the interventions and the management that should be offered to patients with such injuries.
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    Nivel de síntomas depresivos en estudiantes del programa de enfermería de la Universidad Antonio Nariño sede Neiva, durante el año 2022.
    (Universidad Antonio Nariño) Robles Gutiérrez, Leidy Tatiana; Perdomo García, Luisa Fernanda; Zúñiga Meneses, Jesús Stivent
    One of the mental health disorders that most affects individuals is depression; In addition, it is accompanied by numerous negative signs and symptoms such as stress, lack of motivation, changes in mood, concentration difficulties, insomnia and suicidal ideas. In the university population, a main management of these behaviors is estimated, due to their changes in lifestyle and different experiences that arise in their academic course. (1). Therefore, the nursing program of the Antonio Nariño University, Neiva, is included in order to identify the different symptoms through an instrument called the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI-2), which contains 21 items. The study will be carried out with the total population of students of the program belonging to the semester 2022-1. (two). With a quantitative, descriptive cross-sectional or prevalence approach, through virtual surveys by Google Forms, identifying cases of severe depression, risk factors, suicidal ideas, behavioral changes and a diagnosis of how the mental health of the nursing program is; In addition, it is sought that this project continue with the realization of a series of strategies, through active listening spaces, self-reflection programs and continuous accompaniment, as a result of mitigating this impact on society.
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    Uso de servicios de salud por habitantes en situación de calle, revisión de literatura
    (Universidad Antonio Nariño) Mármol Cubillo, Danna Valentina; Graciano Mesa, Elisa Fernanda; Gómez Sánchez, Andrés Alfonso
    For this search, literature related to the homeless population that made use of health services and from there to be able to determine the causes that promote continuous access to health services and especially those barriers that impede timely and effective access and care. With the purpose of giving a contribution to the repository of the university in the area of ​​health. HE investigated the repositories of the Antonio Nariño University where they found research projects aimed at publicizing the problems of the inhabitants of street in different national contexts. In this search, several investigations including a so-called perception of the street dweller on the nursing care provided by teachers (Yesenia Castro Cely, Natacha Carolina Kuzniar Pérez and Daniel Yesid Poveda González), professors of the nursing faculty published in the year 2020. (1) This research is a cultural review of the care of nursing where they make known the economic and social conditions of the inhabitants of street and how they influence access to health services that work to improve the attention quality. The purpose of the review was to address the inhabitant's perception of street in front of nursing care in a timely and complete manner (1). As a methodology, they carried out an integrated review of literature with a descriptive scope and retrospective study where 12 search equations were built in databases such as p. 5 Pubmed, in relation to the methodology, integrative literature reviews were used that consists of evaluating the quantity and quality of the service (1). To obtain conclusions from this research, selected characteristics were linked of the article with access to health policies giving an approach to the need of the homeless residents and determine what barriers to accessing the health system cause homeless people to stop attending the system responsibly (1)
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    Nivel de conocimientos de los profesionales de enfermería sobre el manejo del dolor: una revisión narrativa
    (Universidad Antonio Nariño) García Gutiérrez, Santiago; Calderón Medina, Juan Sebastián; López Benavides, Ivan Rodrigo
    The very act of living constitutes being vulnerable to feeling pain at any point in the life course. The nurses are one of the main actors and in fact the most more importants when providing care to the patient with pain. The deficit of knowledges commits the patient´s wellness exposing him to largely avoidable suffering. Objective: identify the level of knowledge of nursing professionals on pain management based on a narrative review of the literature. Methodology: A narrative review of the literature was carried out under the method of the five phases of the autores Whittemore and Knafl. An Excel matrix was designed for the evaluation and analysis stage of the review data. Results: 70.4% of the studies reported that nurses obtained an unacceptable level of knowledge about pain management. The overall average percentage of studies reporting that nurses had an acceptable level of knowledge about pain management was 22.2%. There is great ignorance at the pharmacological level especially in the doses of morphine and other analgesics useful in pain management. Nurses know the techniques for pain relief, but at the same time they have poor knowledge to evaluate and thus treat pain, especially in distrust of the pain report and the patient’s consideration as the best judge of pain. The most frequently identified determinants in the level of knowledge of nurses on pain management were absence of pain management training programs, professional experience, and pain training. Conclusions: The level of knowledge about pain management among nursing professionals is insufficient and unacceptable, especially knowledge at the pharmacological level, pain assessment and general concepts. Nurses have acceptable knowledge of non-pharmacological pain management. There are certain factors that influence the level of knowledge about pain management among nursing professionals that should be considered important in providing adequate pain relief.
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    Consumo y hábitos alimentarios en el ámbito escolar y valoración antropométrica del estado nutricional de los niños y niñas del grado quinto de la institución Educativa Gabriel plazas del municipio de Villlavieja
    (Universidad Antonio Nariño) Cleves Bahamón, Eliana Valentina; Valenzuela Calderón, Karen Juliana; Caicedo Lizcano, Nidia Constanza; Ramos Castañeda, Jorge Andrés
    Introduction: For the year 1975 the obesity rate in childhood and adolescence was 1%, increasing by 2016 by 6-8%. In Latin America and the Caribbean, 30% of children between 5 and 19 years of age are overweight and obese. This could be explained by the preparation or purchase of unhealthy lunch boxes. Methodology: Cross-sectional descriptive observational study, carried out in 38 children in the fifth grade of a public educational institution. Consumption and eating habits were evaluated through the application of a 27-question questionnaire; Likewise, nutritional status, through anthropometric classification and use of nutritional classification tables. Results: 50% of children present alterations in nutritional status, being excess weight the most frequent. Regarding food in the school environment, more than half of the children reported eating non-nutritious products such as bread with additives, sugary drinks and fried foods. Average daily consumption of fruits, vegetables, and dairy products is higher in children of normal weight compared to children who are overweight. Conclusions: Boys and girls have bad eating habits associated with the consumption of packaged products, with a high content of sugar and saturated fat in their lunch boxes. Additionally, a significant percentage of boys and girls are obese or overweight.Introduction: For the year 1975 the obesity rate in childhood and adolescence was 1%, increasing by 2016 by 6-8%. In Latin America and the Caribbean, 30% of children between 5 and 19 years of age are overweight and obese. This could be explained by the preparation or purchase of unhealthy lunch boxes. Methodology: Cross-sectional descriptive observational study, carried out in 38 children in the fifth grade of a public educational institution. Consumption and eating habits were evaluated through the application of a 27-question questionnaire; Likewise, nutritional status, through anthropometric classification and use of nutritional classification tables. Results: 50% of children present alterations in nutritional status, being excess weight the most frequent. Regarding food in the school environment, more than half of the children reported eating non-nutritious products such as bread with additives, sugary drinks and fried foods. Average daily consumption of fruits, vegetables, and dairy products is higher in children of normal weight compared to children who are overweight. Conclusions: Boys and girls have bad eating habits associated with the consumption of packaged products, with a high content of sugar and saturated fat in their lunch boxes. Additionally, a significant percentage of boys and girls are obese or overweight.
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    Factores personales e institucionales que influyen en el enfermero en la aplicación del proceso de atención de enfermería: Revisión narrativa.
    (Universidad Antonio Nariño) Bedoya Macías, Gina Gisela; Sánchez Trujillo, Luis Nicolás; Sandoval Varón, Andry Nataly; López Benavides, Ivan Rodrigo
    Introduction: The Nursing Care Process (NCP) is the systematic structure that facilitates and focuses the care of people, its applicability corresponds in the identification of the needs of them in order to focus activities that influence in the positive way to recover of the patient, to make this possible, we found that the NCP includes important stages and if these stages are avoided these will have repercussions on the care and health condition of the patient. Aim: To identify the personal and institutional factors that influence the nursing professional in the application of the nursing care process. Methodology: A integrative review was carried out through the extraction and careful selection of scientific articles found in the following health databases: "Lilacs, Pubmed, Scielo, Ovid and Medigraphic" that corresponded to the objective of our research. To develop it, we used the methodology structure created by Whittemore and Knafl, where a series of stages were mentioned and allowed a detailed analysis of the literature and delimitation of the information, through a matrix, tables and graphs that synthesized the information. Results: Brazil and Africa countries were the main exponents; 42.3% of the articles were qualitative studies, 23.1% were quantitative studies; the sources with the highest results correspond to Pubmed, Redalyc and Lilacs. Ten categories were identified; five belong to personal factors and five belong to institutional factors. Conclusion: There are personal and institutional factors that influence in a negative way the appropriate and optimal development of the individualized nursing care process with each patient. Among the first ones, we have: Education, motivation, experience, recognition of the NCP and adaptation of the staffs. The seconds include lack of incentives, stressful environment, lack of resources, lack of institutional recognition of the NCP and supervision of its applicability.