Tecnología en electromecánica


Recent Submissions

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    Diseño de un sistema de alimentación Eléctrica para el respaldo parcial de Iluminación de una vivienda
    (Universidad Antonio Nariño) Torres Gutiérrez, Edward S.; Castañeda Melo, Luis F.
    This project was designed to provide solar energy alternatives to a house in the urban sector of the city of Villavicencio. The use of renewable energy offers economic and environmental advantages to the community, since it proposes a possible solution to a problem related to failures in the electricity supply offered by EMSA.
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    Evaluación técnica para automatizar el proceso de activación de lodos de una planta ptar utilizando un plc logo v8.
    (Universidad Antonio Nariño) Díaz Villamizar, Diego Fernando; López Ferrero, Jesús Leonardo; López Ferrero., Jesús Leonardo
    Technical evaluation to automate the sludge activation process of a WWTP plant using a logo v8 PLC.
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    Diseño y construcción de banco didáctico de instalaciones eléctricas residenciales
    (Universidad Antonio Nariño) Jiménez Tascón, Steven; Garzón Huertas, Alfonso German
    This project was motivated by the problems that Colombia and other countries face with accidents that occur due to miscalculations in the design of a residential electrical installation. Based on this, a didactic bench was built where they will be able to appreciate the proper connections from the connection to the electrical distribution and how to properly connect each switch or outlet.
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    Implementación de un plan de mantenimiento preventivo del sistema hidráulico a la compactadora MCNEILUS en Interaseo Santa Marta
    (Universidad Antonio Nariño) Rodriguez Ascanio, Jose Javier; Orta Morales, Eleonora Patricia
    This article focused on keeping the equipment operable in perfect working order and reducing costs in the maintenance of the hydraulic system of the MCNEILUS compactor in Santa Marta. Preventive maintenance was and is of vital importance in the conservation and prolongation of the useful life of the different machinery, which began to be taken into account after the industrial revolution, through the year’s maintenance has evolved and today by today we can talk about preventive, corrective, predictive maintenance, among others. The main objective of this research is to meet the proposed goal of detecting possible shortcomings in the machinery of the hydraulic system of the MCNEILUS compactor in INTERASEO Santa Marta and to create reliability by operators and equipment in optimal conditions.
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    Rediseño del sistema de bombeo para el mejoramiento del uso eficiente de agua y energía de la Universidad Antonio Nariño sede Santa Marta
    (Universidad Antonio Nariño) Ramos Alfaro, Rafael David; Gasga Mantilla, Maira Cecilia
    The research is directed around the redesign and improvement of the efficiency of the pumping system of the Antonio Nariño university, due to the fact that the university demands a high consumption in the pump room, when the irrigation activity is carried out in the institution and it is It is reflected in the billing of the energy provider. Given that the university does not have an independent irrigation system that provides greater efficiency in the pumping process and in turn a use of water in the different activities that the precious liquid is used in educational purposes. The university does not see the taking of supervised measurements for the consumption of the pumps, nor is a basic maintenance plan for the pumping system taken into account, for this reason measurements were made to analyze the behavior of the pumps and provide the recommendations on how to improve your energy efficiency, in addition to lowering high energy consumption. This was achieved through the use of tools such as energy meters and soft starters, which avoid large current peaks at the moment of breaking the inertia of the motor, the improvement of the water pipes was also taken into account to avoid high pressures and water hammer that increase the consumption of the aforementioned system. Methodologically, a descriptive, quantitative and field research was used where information was obtained through bibliographic documents on the phenomenon under study
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    Pequeña subestación de distribución que brinde a la universidad una herramienta para sus prácticas educativas.
    (Universidad Antonio Nariño) Guerrero Alemán, Publio Andrés; Caballero Barragán, Cristian Yesid; Murcia Pacheco, Juan Manuel
    This project is focused and executed for the fulfillment as a general objective of the design of the general content of a basic substation, with its respective transformer and components, this project will allow university students to have a tool for their educational practices. The characteristics of this project are based on and supported by the design and theoretical bases of the substation, to then have its execution and operation. For the design of this substation the following steps are carried out, counting on three levels: A post of 4 meters will be sunk which will be buried with a depth of 1 meter being the 3 meters left for the installation of the transformer and its equipment. On the first level, a 2-meter metal crosshead will be installed in which the circuit breakers that are used to energize and de-energize the transformer will be installed. Under this crosshead, another crosspiece of equal diameter will be mounted for the installation of the 3 DPS (overvoltage devices) lightning rods that are responsible for protecting the transformer. The 25 kva, three-phase transformer will be installed on the third and last level. The Transformer, lightning rods and short circuits will be connected by 2/0 aluminum cable. This substation will have its earthing system and connected to the equipment of said system, this will not be energized to avoid risks and accidents, this will be used for simulation purposes. It will be delivered with an insulated pole to open and energize the substation.