Hotelería y turismo ecológico


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    Caracterización del programa de alojamiento estudiantil de la universidad de los andes y la universidad nacional
    (Universidad Antonio Nariño) Centina Soche, Angie Paola; Barriga Barriga, Claudia Lilian
    Hotels are infrastructures of a private order but that comply in one way or another way a well-known objective and it is that the use that is given to them is public since it houses people of different places of origin; for example, university housing seeks to provide facilities to students who require a place to stay while they are in their stage of studies that give them peace of mind to be able to successfully complete their training, since as citation Writing Education, El tiempo. (2021) “in Colombia, each year more than 98,000 young people who graduate from high school migrate to other cities to get into university, and of these the 72% focus on five main capitals in the country” (par.1) of which Bogotá hosts more than a half. As mentioned in said article “of the 98,604 high school graduates from the school in in 2018 who migrated to immediately continue their higher education studies in In 2019, 72.38% went to higher education institutions in Bogotá, Medellín, Barranquilla, Cali and Bucaramanga” (Education Editorial Office, El tiempo, 2021, para. 2). Being Bogotá the city chosen by the largest number of students with 55,998, which represents the 56.79% of educational migration in the nation. The offer of higher education has been concentrated mostly in the main capital cities of the departments in the country, according to Ospina Londoño, M., Canavire, G., Bohorquez, S., & Cuartas, D. (2015). Expansion of higher education and its effects on enrollment and migration: evidence from Colombia. Q. 4. “migration can be interpreted as result of an inefficient allocation of the offer in higher education programs”, if a student in his place of origin does not have the offer he is looking for, he has no other option than 5 migrate Next, it is possible to observe as an example the displacement of students from different departments of the country to the main cities
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    Construir una herramienta que permita informar a los operadores turísticos en certificación de la calidad turística sostenible aplicado a la ruta la requilina.
    (Universidad Antonio Nariño) Chacón Sua, Laura Yinneth; Gaona Amaya, Sofia; Barriga Barriga, Claudia lilian
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    Ruta gastronómica en Municipios aledaños a Cúcuta
    (Universidad Antonio Nariño) Carvajal Rincón, Paola Lizeth; Vega Gómez, Tanya Daniela; Barriga Barriga, Claudia Lilian
    The proposal for a design of a gastronomic route to municipalities surrounding the city of Cúcuta, is carried out to enhance the typical gastronomy of the department of Norte de Santander. Through a study that was carried out with surveys and investigations for the selection of the municipalities that will make part of the route. It should be noted that tourist places will also be included in the itinerary so that the tourist can learn about the North Santandereana culture.
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    Diseño del plan de mercadeo hostal cheva
    (Universidad Antonio Nariño) Paredes Vargas, Karen Emir; Barriga Barriga, Claudia Lilian
    The proposal to create a marketing plan for THE CHEVA HOSTEL in the municipality of Jericó, Cheva sector was designed in order to cover the tourist market of the province of Valderrama, reaching customers through methods and digital communication, taking advantage of benefits that they are in favor of the industry like the internet
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    Colombia: la recuperación de un destino turístico en coma
    (Universidad Antonio Nariño) Rodríguez Valencia, Luisa Marlene; Mariño Jiménez, Juan Pablo
    Colombia is considered us one of the most violent countries in Latinoamerica in the last 50 years, this situation has affected it’s image as a tourist destination, influencing the tourist’s perception, destination selection, tourist security and evidently the international tourist arrivals in the country. However, Colombia started using Tourism promotion as a marketing tool, to make known the world those positives and unknown aspects that could change the world’s perception of the country. In the present research, is built a timeline to identify every promotional campaign as Tourism promotion strategies implemented by the nation in each presidencial period in the last century and how these influenced and impacted the tourist development of a country that was under a bad perception that didn’t allow it to potentiate the tourist activity. This work managed to identify each promotional campaign, divided into 3 timelines: National Tourism Promotion, International Tourism Promotion and Country-Brand, because each one has a different focus and Works separately, even if they have purposes of Tourism promotion, the influence of the peace treatment on the change of the countrie’s image was defined, the effectiveness of every campaign was specified and which were the ones that had the greatest impact and the impacts of the strategies implemented in tourism promotion were stablished.