Análisis comparativo de la evapotranspiración en coberturas de bosques y deforestadas en el interfluvio losada – guayabero departamento del meta, república de Colombia, mediante el uso del sensor modis

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The Losada - Guayabero interfluvium is part of the Macarena Special Management Area (AMEM), and communicates the Andean ecosystems with the Amazon and Orinoquia, is made up of the Sierra de la Macarena National Natural Parks, Tinigua, part of the Cordillera de Los Picachos and part of Sumapaz and the Districts of Integrated Management of Natural Resources Zones of preservation and recovery for preservation and Zones of production and recovery for production, is a region of strategic importance with high conservation priority, was declared a World Heritage Site. Humanity, Biosphere Reserve and is of importance for the fixation of atmospheric carbon in the Colombian Amazon (MMA et al., 2004). However, there has been a progressive increase since 2013 in deforestation rates, due to the presence of illegal groups, illicit crops, extensive livestock farming, and the development of road infrastructure, for the purpose of logging (Corporación Para El Desarrollo Sostenible of the Macarena Special Management Area - CORMACARENA, 2020) Several authors relate precipitation (P), evapotranspiration (ET) and the physiological conditions of the vegetation, as main variables in the hydrological cycle. In this sense, it is intended to establish a relationship between deforestation or land use change and Evapotranspiration variations. Therefore, this document contains the results of the multitemporal study of evapotranspiration in the Losada-Guayabero interfluvium, for seventeen consecutive years (2003 - 2019); performed by image processing of the MODIS sensor