Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)Amaya González, Luis FelipeAvellaneda Gómez, Ludy AlejandraNiño Moreno, Daniela2024-08-082024-08-082024-06-06 the context of the textile industry, characterized by intense competition and the need for efficient cost control, this thesis focuses on Calivan’s, a company in the sector in Colombia. The main objective is to develop a costing system that not only refines decision-making but also maximizes resource utilization. The study begins with a comprehensive diagnosis of the company's current costing processes, identifying critical areas that require improvement and establishing key points to optimize the existing costing strategy.En el contexto de la industria textil, caracterizada por su intensa competencia y lanecesidad de un control de costos eficiente; esta tesis se centra en Calivan’s, una empresa del sector en Colombia. El objetivo principal es desarrollar un sistema de costeo que no solo refine la toma de decisiones, sino que también maximice la utilización de los recursos. El estudio inicia con un diagnóstico exhaustivo de los procesos de costeo actuales de la empresa, identificando áreas críticas que requieren mejoras y estableciendo puntos clave para optimizar la estrategia de costeo existente.PDFspaAcceso abiertoControl de costosIndustria textilOptimización de recursosToma de DecisionesProducción textilAnálisis de costos de producción y propuesta de mejora para la empresa Calivan’sCost controlTextile industryResource optimization,Decision makingTextile productionEstudio de casoinfo:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess, E., Vega, W. A., Kolody, B., & Aguilar-Gaxiola, S. (2000). Lifetime prevalence of and risk factors for psychiatric disorders among Mexican migrant farmworkers in California. American Journal of Public Health, 90, 608 – 614.American Psychological Association. (2010). Manual de Publicaciones de la American Psychological Association (6 ed.). (M. G. Frías, Trad.) México, México: El Manual Moderno.Augen, J. (2004). Bioinformatics in the post-genomic era: Genome, transcriptome, proteome, and information-based medicine. Addison-Wesley Professional.Blankenberg, D., Kuster, G. V., Coraor, N., Ananda, G., Lazarus, R., Mangan, M. & Taylor, J. (2010). Galaxy: a web‐based genome analysis tool for experimentalists. Current protocols in molecular biology, 19-10.Bolger, A., & Giorgi, F. (2003) Trimmomatic: A Flexible Read Trimming Tool for Illumina NGS Data. URL http://www. usadellab. org/cms/index. php.Giardine, B., Riemer, C., Hardison, R. C., Burhans, R., Elnitski, L., Shah, P. &Nekrutenko, A. (2005). Galaxy: a platform for interactive large-scale genome analysis. Genome research, 15(10), 1451-1455.Harwood, A. (1981). Ethnicity and medical care. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press.Martinez, O. J. (1994). Border people: Life and society in the U. S.–Mexico borderlands.Tucson: University of Arizona Press.Ramirez, M. (1991). Psychotherapy and counseling with minorities: A cognitive approach to individual and cultural differences. New York: Pergamon Press.Torres, J. B. (1998). Masculinity and gender roles among Puerto Rican men: Machismo on the U.S. mainland. American Journal of Orthopsychiatry, 68, 16 –26.