Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)Pardo, Marco F.Sánchez, Juana P.Gómez Jiménez, Karen DayanaPeña Calderón, Mishell PatriciaSandoval Caviedes, Natalia Andrea2021-03-032021-03-032020-11-23 is an especiality of dentistry, and as usual, an aseptic environment is needed to avoid cross-contamination. One of the most important points are gutta-percha cones, since these are going to be inserted directly into the canal and are easy to be contaminated due to their manipulation: therefore, the present research is focused on evaluating knowledge in gutta-percha cone disinfection.a endodoncia es una rama de la odontología, como en todas, se necesita un ambiente aséptico para evitar la contaminación cruzada. 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