Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0)Rey Buitrago, MauricioOcampo Torres, Jhann Pierre Alexander2021-02-222021-02-222020-06-04 this work, a series of molecular tests were carried out in order to determine the presence of a particular polymorphism for the alpha synuclein gene (SNCA-Rep1), which have been related to predisposition to problems of high consumption and / or alcohol addiction. To achieve the aforementioned, various molecular biology techniques were used together with biostatistical tools in order to compare the data obtained on the presence of the particular polymorphism in the gene (SNCA) of the control individuals with those who present problems with alcohol consumption.En este trabajo se realizaron una serie de ensayos moleculares con el fin de determinar la presencia de un polimorfismo de longitud para el gen de la alfa sinucleína (SNCA-Rep1), el cual en algunos estudios se ha visto relacionado con predisposición a problemas de alto consumo y/o adicción al alcohol. 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